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Problems with the GTX 560 TI


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I just bought this EVGA card yesterday and I installed it today. Went into windows and did the windows rating. Aside from the SSD which got a 6.9 and I have that problem listed under hard drives, this video card scored a 6.0 in both graphics and gaming graphics. Now that shouldn't be any where close to being correct because my GTS 450 received a 6.8. I updated the driver and even tried a beta driver. The performance remains the same. The only thing I haven't done is activated windows yet only because my code isn't working right and I need to call microsoft on monday. However, I am pretty positive that it shouldn't affect this result at all. My SSD problem is even more bizarre if you would like to check it out too, because right now I have TWO problems from one day of shopping. Ain't life grand?


If any one knows anything that could help I would greatly appreciate it!

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You know WEI means jack. Just run a bench and see the better numbers there for yourself.


OK I fixed the problem. I must of accidentally set a PCI Bios setting because I change the Bios to default settings and now I am getting much better results. Originally I was seeing 13fps in Heaven Benchmark on minimum settings. Now I am at 40 on normal settings with a max of 100fps and a min of 24. Problem solved in my book. :biggrin:

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Good to hear tho


Something I was noticing while I was going through and trouble shooting was that a lot of .dll files are missing or messed up. For instance I could not run 3D mark 11 or even update the windows rating index. That was on my HDD, I don't know if that is a bog enough problem that I should post under the OS forum or not. Let me know what I should do.


To Stoner, your little character face is exactly how I felt at 3 in the morning. I was so pissed and tired :lol: . Thanks for your time and help!

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Turn off your virus software. For me avast blocks some dll files when I try and run 3d mark 11. However I just select disable for 10mins and run the bench.


I don't have anti virus software on my pc. I just laugh when I get a virus. I don't have anything that isn't backed up or even useful, so I honestly don't care when I see my computer shut off when I try to go onto the internet. I just go into cmd and erase it under safe mode.

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