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Spinpoint F3 1tb Issues?


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after the past few months or so my F3 1tb slowed down!

i would run windows normally and when the HDD activity light is just on for ages i cant open file explorer or any app, it would usually just take a long time and load when the light goes off WTF?????????????

sometimes windows would not respond and i would have to forcefully reset

please help!!!

please explain what i can do and what the issue is

feel free to add suggestions :)

i wanted to purchase a new HDD but LOOK at the prices :O:(

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I also have a f3 and i experience similar slowdown and i'm going to see if I can get it changed, most annoying part about that is having to reinstall everything :/


My issues started after I tried changing the resolution on the battlefield 3 beta, then my computer crashed really hard, had to revert back to a earlier state ( exact name of the function escapes me atm).


Anyway, I ran some tests on it and most of the values seemed more or less normal except that the maximum reaction time was waay higher then what I had read it should be.

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I also have a f3 and i experience similar slowdown and i'm going to see if I can get it changed, most annoying part about that is having to reinstall everything :/


My issues started after I tried changing the resolution on the battlefield 3 beta, then my computer crashed really hard, had to revert back to a earlier state ( exact name of the function escapes me atm).


Anyway, I ran some tests on it and most of the values seemed more or less normal except that the maximum reaction time was waay higher then what I had read it should be.

hey....do you think i could send Samsung a message about the HDD, what would i say???

and just note i love you guys from sweden :P

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hey....do you think i could send Samsung a message about the HDD, what would i say???

and just note i love you guys from sweden :P


My Spinpoint F3 1TB was doing the same thing, today it started clicking and is no longer recognized by my pc. I called Samsung and already shipped it out to be RMA'd. Estimated time to receive my new drive is 4-7 business days.


I have 3 of these drives that I bought at the same time about a year ago. 2 of the 3 were DOA and had to RMA them right off the bat. This makes 3/3 bad drives. Won't be purchasing Samsung drives again.

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My Spinpoint F3 1TB was doing the same thing, today it started clicking and is no longer recognized by my pc. I called Samsung and already shipped it out to be RMA'd. Estimated time to receive my new drive is 4-7 business days.


I have 3 of these drives that I bought at the same time about a year ago. 2 of the 3 were DOA and had to RMA them right off the bat. This makes 3/3 bad drives. Won't be purchasing Samsung drives again.

ohhh, did you have to fill a form and reason or something for RMA

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ohhh, did you have to fill a form and reason or something for RMA


Well to RMA a product you have to follow some prerequistis that will save you a LOT of time. Since this is a hard drive we will do some simple trouble shooting that the representative will make you do before he or she tells you how to fill out the RMA form.


Step 1: Do a disk defrag. To do this simple go to my computer, and right click the hard drive. Go to properties, click on the tools tab, and select disk defrag. I am sure you know how to do that, but I thought I would just add it in just in case. The representative will make you do a disk defrag and it could take FOREVER if you haven't done it in a while. Doing it in advance saves you from making a second call to samsung.


Step 2: Run Crystal Disk Mark. It is a free download and basically it measures the speed of your drive. While I haven't heard of very many support agents ask this of clients, having it done in advance is, if nothing else, a good way to support your claim that the hard drive is slow. If it is showing that your hard drive is running at correct speeds, then all you need to do is format your drive and reinstall the OS.


Step 3: Switch Sata ports on your motherboard. Simple enough and it could save you a minute or two if you do it before the call. Remember, the goal is to have done this all before hand so you don't have to deal with the stupidity ( also known as protocol ) of the person on the other end.


Step 4: Step 4 is something you should do as a last resort, and that is to completely format your drive. If you have another drive, I would clone the image of the disk using achronis true image to another hard drive that you have lying around so that when you format the samsung drive, all you have to do is copy over that cloned data back over rather than reinstalling the OS and drives and problems. Formating the drive is always a hassle, and a pretty big one too, but it is the end all be all solution to any drive problem on the consumer side of the "fix it" process.


Step 5: Write down everything you did and have it on a piece of paper when you call. If you tell them everything you have done, chances are they will skip all the nonsense protocol and just lead you right to the RMA form page in the website. Although if you are lucky, then one of these trouble shooting tips will have solved your problem and you might not even need to call at all. However, if it all fails, then you will be prepared for a super speedy RMA process.


Reminder: Remember to back up all your data. A slow drive could mean that the HDD is going bad all together, and as soon as that happens you have lost everything.


If you need a whole new hard drive and just want to replace it, then I hope you like bet buy! Best buy still has decent prices, such as this WD black Edition HHD


Even if you get a whole new drive, don't neglect to RMA the one you have. You can always put that shiny new RMA drive up for sale on this website or ebay so you don't hurt your pocket a much when you buy the new drive.


I hope all of this helps you out and let me know if you have any other questions :cheers:

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ohhh, did you have to fill a form and reason or something for RMA


Yes, there is a very simple form they have you fill out. Your best best is to call the 800 number, tell them your issue(s), and they will walk you through the RMA form process via Samsung.com. GL!


Also, have you checked this out? http://www.jack-brennan.com/?p=1302

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