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Indigo Xtreme and Cooler Master Hyper 212 evo

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I've watched the video reviews and tutorials on how to apply the TIM known as Indigo Xtreme. I was thinking of using that for my upcoming build... I was wondering, however, if it would work with the Cooler Master Hyper 212 evo.... Has anyone tried that combo? If so, what were your experiences?


EDITED 13 Nov 2011:


I found a link on the Indigo Xtreme website showing a listing of incompatible heatsinks.


You'll see it listed as, "Heat Sink Compatibility Application Note Updated September 2010"


It's a pdf file that you need to download. There is actually an extensive list of heatsinks that does not work well with Indigo Xtreme. For sure, the Cooler Master Hyper 212+ will not work with Indigo Xtreme, but as for the Hyper 212 Evo??? Although the heat pipes are bunched together and everything is flush, there are still very tiny grooves in between. I sent an email to Indigo Xtreme support, to see if the Hyper 212 Evo will work out O.K., since it doesn't have big gaps between the heat pipes, but I don't expect that's the answer I'll get...


I've used Arctic Silver's Ceramique and have always had great success with it, but that's when I was building Pentium 4 machines... I'm building an i5 2500K machine this time (Yes. It's been a VERY long time since I last built a PC)... I guess I'll look at some TIM reviews.

Edited by PlanetSmasher

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Well in my opinion you should stick with the method that has worked for you in the past. I have not tried indigo extreme nor can I justify its cost. If the method you have used in the past works for you I would have to ask you why change.

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Here's my inquiry to Indigo Xtreme's support team.


I have the Cooler Master Hyper 212 evo heatsink (please note: the Hyper

212 evo is a different model than the Hyper 212+. There is a

difference). It's the one with the heat-pipes directly contacting the

CPU die (the lid). The heat pipes are flattened, and there are no big

gaps between them (as in the Hyper 212+), but there are very small gaps

(more like thin grooves) between the heat pipes... Will this be a

problem when applying Indigo Xtreme TIM?


Or is it not recommended to use Indigo Xtreme with this heatsink?


...And, here's Indigo Xtreme's response to my inquiry.


Thanks for the inquiry; the online images confirm what you suggest about the grooves; therefore, we would not recommend using IX with the 212 evo.








Chris M.




The reason I'm looking for a new TIM is because Ceramique was developed during the age of Pentium 4 CPU's.... I'm building a new machine with an i5 2500K CPU.... Do you expect Ceramique to perform just as well as it did on a Pentium 4 as on an i5 2500K?


Also, With pastes, greases, and the like, they tend to "dry out" within a year, and then must be re-applied to get the cool temps again. In other words, the effectiveness of pastes, greases, and the like, tend to decrease over time. But a metal alloy TIM would not have such a decrease in performance over time. That means you don't have to reapply it anymore.


I'm lazy. Once I've built my machine, unless I'm upgrading a component, I don't want to take it apart anymore.... Indigo Xtreme represented that possibility for me... But alas! Not with the heat sink I have....


Rather than return the heat sink, I'll just investigate a new TIM... I'm sure that, after all of these years, a TIM has been developed that can out perform Ceramique; or are you suggesting that is not the case?


(And thank you, both, for your comments.)

Edited by PlanetSmasher

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I would use one of these Tim's in this order. If your not going to use the factory supplied coolermaster Tim. The stuff works well but if you must have a different Tim then see below for my list.


Arctic mx-4

Noctua nth-1

Arctic silver 5

Arctic ceramique

Ic diamond

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Not a problem planet Smasher. Hope thingw work out for you.


I can help myself so here is my first troll post. All for you planet Smasher...



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I agree with stoner. The stock thermal paste is just fine. You wold be wiser to find another fan and put the cooler in push pull. You would spend the same amount of money, and you would be getting a lot more performance of of the cooler. TIM just doesn't matter unless you are spending 80 to 120 on a consumer level cooler in which ever degree counts in overclocking. Since you are going with a plain cooler master cooler, adding another fan rather than bugging out about the TIM is far smarter of a choice.

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