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Couple quick questions


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I haven't overclocked anything in ages so I'm pretty rusty at this, but I've got the right idea (I hope, lol).


All of these questions are for Rig 1 in my sig.


1. What's the max vcore I can give my Q9450?


2. I've got 2 sets of mismatched 2x2 gb ram. One set is 2x2 5-5-5-18 1066 mhz rated for 2.2-2.3v, and the other set is 2x2 4-4-4-15 800 mhz rated for 1.8v. Should I try to run them together for 8 gb, or just try to get the best speeds and tightest timings out of one set? My only problem is that I can't give the first set enough voltage to run at decent clocks without risking having the second set die on me. I don't do all that much multitasking, but it's nice to not have to close everything before playing Black Ops, etc.


3. Would it be better to run the Q9450 at 3.4, or swap it out with the Q6700 in rig 2 and run that at 3.6 (potentially 3.8)?


That's it for now. Thanks in advance.

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I recommend you go the manufacture web sites to obtain your specs. It has been my experience you never exceed max voltage settings set by the factory. Or you run the good chance of frying your parts.


For your unmatched memory. I would set each VDIMM or DRAM voltage to factory settings. You might also want to try putting the RAM with lowest timing in front. This might help stability and overall performance.


Todays Vcore shouldn't exceed 1.4v. Standard for most OC'ing is around 1.35v. Again check manufacture specs. for max voltage.


Once you find out your max CPU voltage or Vcore then I would OC. Until then you will have to use the AUTO or DEFAULT setting for the Vcore. Don't expect much.

NOTE: watch the CPU TEMP! Also try to keep your Vcore 0.5v below factory max Vcore setting.

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