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Weird sound in Prime 95 with OC


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It sounds kind of like a scraping noise or you know when a laptop is loading something really difficult(its kind of like that sound), not exactly sure where it is coming from but it goes away as soon as the load decreases. Might this be my PSU? It is pretty old now...

Edited by Krieg1337

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Is that a concern ? Or will I be fine with that?


I also increased the CPU PWM frequency so it could be that?


There is no way to be absolutely sure it is the PSU. What I would do is find a friend with a spare PSU, or maybe scavenge around for one. Turn on your computer, and if it doesn't make the sound, it is time for a new PSU. If it does make the sound, then unplug things one at a time until the sound goes away and replace that one thing. Some really basic trouble shooting can help us help you. :)

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