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Koolance VID-NX580 gonna fit on a GTX 570 Classified?


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Anyone know if it would fit on the Classified? Kind of shot in the dark here, don't know if anyone else has this card on here, lol. confused.gif

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580 referance front



570 Clasified back (can get a pick of open pcb front)



Here is the back of the GTX 580 we reviewed back in November of 2010.  I have not personally verified this but since this appears to be the exact layout of a reference GTX 580 it would seem likely a 580/570 water block should work on this Classified version of the GeForce GTX 570 graphics card.  Both the VRM and memory patterns look the same around the GPU it would simply be the capacitor placement that would make or break that theory.


580 referance back



It looks like it could possibly work.

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GTX 570 Classified, they literally look the same the front as the reference.





Depending on how close the waterblock mounts to the display outputs it may clip the 570 as it follows a slightly differant design there with dvi ports stacked and thus sticking out onto the pcb more


Edit: your second pick shows a different display output set up. You should be good to go :thumbsup:.

Edited by Stonerboy779

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