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DSLR Advice


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Well fellas,

Just finished vacation and once again had my cameras shortcomings rubbed in my face as i sat sorting them the other day. Soooo i am once again looking at DSLRs. Not that i didn't get some nice shots(hence why i am looking for the Photography in the Parks Contest in another thread) but it has problems.

  • Color is unreliable.
  • Shutter speed is useless.
  • Shutter lag is atrocious.
  • Medium ISO is like a sand picture and high ISO is the beach.
  • Flash takes about 30 secs to reload.

So i am taking a serious look at a low end DSLR.

Problem is i want to make a step forward not backwards but at a reasonable price. For instance despite better shutter speed & less shutter lag the Canon Rebel XSi takes significantly worse pics than my FujiFilm J10 despite costing 3 times as much. I know it will cost a bit more than a P&S but i cant afford anything too classy. Besides i need to purchase glass.

I was kinda waiting for the Nikon D4 series to come out so that i could maybe pick up a clearance D300. But that doesn't look to be coming anytime soon enough. I want to stick to canon or nikon so as to have loads of available lenses. I dont have a concrete budget but 1k would be pushing it affwy hard. Ideally i would spend about 600(body only) but the DSLRs in that range dont seem to be much of a step up.

I cant say i am really any one type of photographer in particular.

I love doing rodeo/general equine related sport photography.

I do a good bit of landscapes but dont make huge prints.

I photograph concerts(atleast i used to), those i did with a borrowed XSi but i cant keep borrowing(plus i cant use it for anything else). Not my bigest consideration.


So any and all suggestions and advice please,

Thanks loads,


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  • 1 month later...

Not knowing US prices probably isnt going to help, but I would highly recommend the Canon EOS 500D. (Or its successors, the 550D and 600D)

I have had mine for about 2 years now, and love it.


If your budget will stretch, the EOS 60D could be worth a look in. I have friends who have them and are very pleased.


I don't own a Nikon, or have many friends that do, but from the reviews the D90 seems a very good choice. (Might be a bit dated now, came out even before my 500D)

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My girlfriend is going to buy a Canon Eos Rebel T3i. I'll let you know how she likes it, though I'm not sure her opinion can be counted for anything real valid.



Edit: wow, didn't realize the topic was so old :blush:

Edited by iskout

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My girlfriend is going to buy a Canon Eos Rebel T3i. I'll let you know how she likes it, though I'm not sure her opinion can be counted for anything real valid.



Edit: wow, didn't realize the topic was so old :blush:

In this case i dont mind its age cause im still looking. I have actually used a T3i a good bit recently, and while its fairly good i'm kinda annoyed with the low light capabilities. Bluntly put; IT SUCKS!!!!!!!

I was photographing a Halloween carnival Monday with it, under florescent lights, apparently they were not bright enough??? Standard industrial florescent lights like you find in every school, office, etc. in the country and all the pics came out black. I was using a 125 shutter speed and a 3.5 aperture on a 18-35mm lense. Yeah.... no way im buying it.

For most things its probably a fairly good entry level camera.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest evilneil

Any rebel would be a good starting point, you can even pick up a used 40,50,60d for under 1k and they are great cameras with alot of features!

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  • 1 month later...

I DO NOT recommend getting an Olympus E-Volt... that's what I chose a yr ago and I wish I did more research before hand. First the standard lens isn't good enough for distance scenery shots - if you want a new one it will cost way more than the price of your camera, they are micro four/thirds, I still haven't been able to find lesser known brand names who make them, second - no matter what settings I try I still ALWAYS have to correct my colours in Photoshop afterwards. My next biggest issue is the low light shots, a lot of the time my flash decides to put on a strobe light show and the shot I want is always gone by the time my camera can focus...

I'm debating getting rid of it and going with a Canon EOS Rebel, I've played around with a friend's and they are excellent DSLRs! I didn't have one issue while trying it out.


EDIT: Bumping a thread like this isn't trying to scrounge for "my" post count. I'm sure there are still people out there looking for a good DSLR recommendation, not just the original poster :D

Edited by Manduh

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Old Thread Mod please close it.

For those interested i did get a Nikon D5100.



Why close it? I came here specifically to see what others recommend because I'm looking for a new DSLR as well. I found the post helpful, then added input to warn other interested folks not to buy what I bought lol..


Anyway, are you liking your D5100? Any issues so far?

Edited by Manduh

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Yes i love my D5100.

12. Do not dig up old threads! If you want to continue a discussion from an old thread (older than 2-3 months), create a new thread and reference the old one in your opening post if necessary. There is very little reason to dig up an old thread.

This thread was started in september and has been dug up three times.

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