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OC i5-2500k Can't get past 4.3GHz


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OC newbie, but otherwise very experienced. I am beginning to think I have hit a wall with my i5-2500k at 4.3GHZ. ASRock z68 PRO3-M


OC OK at 4.3GHZ. Passes stress test (prime95). Have Vcore running a little high now (3.9v) to keep trying to up Mult. Max core temp under stress 60c. I have done all the things I found recommended on forums like Turbo Boost pwr limits >200, Core current limit >200. Am using OFFSET mode, offset =.080, LLC=4 (results in Vcore=3.9).


I know I haven't posted all my settings but I have tried extensively so many of the recommendations found including.......FIXED mode, disabling C1E, raising RAM voltage (I am set to use XMP), Changig PLL voltage, etc.


When I raise MULT to 44 I can't even boot into bios!

Am I one of the unlucky chip owners (50% of us according to ASUS study) that just has a less capable chip?


Reading so many posts on the net about people "achieving" 5GHZ +, make me wonder what I am doing wrong. OR, perhaps the achievement is really more the luck of the draw. ASUS says 10% of i5-2500ks will go >5GHz, 50%> 4.4GHz, and 40%> 4.6GHz. Is it true that 4.5GHz is only 50% likely to be achieved?

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Most importantly, what are you using to cool it with and what are your temperatures?


How are you stability testing?


What problems are you running into? BSODs? Errors during stress tests?


A 1.39 vCore is enough for my i5-2500K to hit 4.8 GHz stable, but it will depend on your cooling.

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We have seen core I7 Co and Do stepping processors That would not see past 3.80 before. Would not surprise me if some of the sandy bridge chips have the same issue. But I would not let that stop you. Try increasing Your vcore some more then that and checking and changing the QPI core. Along with that what kind and how much me.org do you have. I have Sen sandy be limited by the amount of ram you have if its over 12 gigs.

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Thanks for the input.


i5-2500k ASrock Z68 PRO3-M H212+ fan using Prime 95 to stress 4GB RAM

At 4.3GHz Vcore=3.9v Prime 95 for 2 hrs, Max temp 60c. Don't think it is temp problem


At 4.4 or 4.5 GHz simply cannot boot into BIOS, have to reset CMOS. So, I can't take pictures with actual voltages of BIOS settings at 4.4.


I got Vcore to 3.9v in several ways, FIXED, OFFSET, and played with LLC. The 3.9v is actual Vcore at 4.0Mhz. Settings to achieve that were of course higher because of Vdroop. So here is a list of more settings from BIOS.



Max what I want to test, 40-45

Internal PLL Overvolt EN

GT Overclock EN

GT Freq 100MHz

Voltage Override AUTO

Intel Speed Step EN

Turbo Boost PWR Lim MAN

Short dur 250w

Long Dur 250w

Add'l turbo volt AUTO


VOLTAGES - actual readings are from 4.0GHz



offset .080v

CPU Load-Line Calibration Level 4 (Level 5 is off)



PCH Auto 1.059

CPU PLL Auto 1.794

VTT Auto 1.057

VCCSA Auto .925

Spread Spectrum AUTO




Boinker.... what is QPI core and me.org

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Thanks for the input.


i5-2500k ASrock Z68 PRO3-M H212+ fan using Prime 95 to stress 4GB RAM

At 4.3GHz Vcore=3.9v Prime 95 for 2 hrs, Max temp 60c. Don't think it is temp problem


At 4.4 or 4.5 GHz simply cannot boot into BIOS, have to reset CMOS. So, I can't take pictures with actual voltages of BIOS settings at 4.4.


I got Vcore to 3.9v in several ways, FIXED, OFFSET, and played with LLC. The 3.9v is actual Vcore at 4.0Mhz. Settings to achieve that were of course higher because of Vdroop. So here is a list of more settings from BIOS.



Max what I want to test, 40-45

Internal PLL Overvolt EN

GT Overclock EN

GT Freq 100MHz

Voltage Override AUTO

Intel Speed Step EN

Turbo Boost PWR Lim MAN

Short dur 250w

Long Dur 250w

Add'l turbo volt AUTO


VOLTAGES - actual readings are from 4.0GHz



offset .080v

CPU Load-Line Calibration Level 4 (Level 5 is off)



PCH Auto 1.059

CPU PLL Auto 1.794

VTT Auto 1.057

VCCSA Auto .925

Spread Spectrum AUTO




Boinker.... what is QPI core and me.org


These boards and 2500k are as simple as 1-2-3 to overclock. Set all voltages to auto and enable turbo on the 2500K. You should hit 4.5-4.8GHz. Leave voltages on Auto.

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