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Strange noise coming from PSU

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Ok, so I finally got my 2 brand new 6950's OC to a point where they were rock solid stable, and after a rousing game of Battlefield Bad Company 2, I decided to start up the folding clients to rack up some points on my new cards. I was about to turn in for the night when I realized there was an extremely high pitched noise coming from my case. Knowing that I had just overclocked my GPU's, I went into Trixx and disabled the overclock; which did nothing whatsoever. Growing slightly concerned, I turned off my PC and disconnected one of the cards. I turned the computer back on and ran the folding clients again (only 1 gpu and 1 cpu this time) and the noise wasn't there. Saddened that one of my brand new cards had issues with it, I decided to swap out the cards to see if I could verify where the sound was coming from. However, after the swap and the clients restarted, no high pitched noise. Confused, I listened very closely to the card until I heard the sound, and it wasn't coming from my card, but rather my power supply.


Now my question is, what do you think could cause this? I know BFBC2 isn't the most demanding game in existence, but the cards were crossfired and ran both the MSI burn in test as well as an hour of BFBC2 without any problems nor high pitched noise. Now, even with the cards reading 0% load on afterburner, with my ear right next to the exhaust vent of the PSU, I can hear a very very quiet high pitched noise, almost like a tea kettle when the water is boiling. It doesn't seem to have any impact whatsoever on performance and it only really is apparent under max load. My suspicion is that the fan has somehow come lose since the alternative is that one of the capacitors/resistors is leaking, which doesn't seem very likely. However, if I knew and was sure I wouldn't be asking about it now would I? :teehee:


So, does anyone have any suggestions or tests I can run to see what or where the problem might be?






Edit PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371022

Edited by Silas13013

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Psu fan working hard because it's now under more load.


Unless the psu is still under warranty, try removing the cover and disconnecting the fan from the pcb. Turn on and if noise is gone problem is solved.

Edited by Stonerboy779

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Are you sure it's not coil whine? If it is, it's not a big deal and it might go away after a week of intense load.

I honestly have no idea what it is, all I can tell you is that it's the PSU and gets louder as more load is applied, and it just started out of nowhere. How could I determine whether or not its a coil whine vs a fan whine given that it is still under warranty?




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I imagine you're pretty young and hence your hearing is quite good because it sounds like the switching circuitry on your power supply and very unlikely to be the fan. I wouldn't worry about it too much, it happens, although I can imagine it's quite annoying?

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I imagine you're pretty young and hence your hearing is quite good because it sounds like the switching circuitry on your power supply and very unlikely to be the fan. I wouldn't worry about it too much, it happens, although I can imagine it's quite annoying?

Well I'm almost twenty so I'm not sure if that qualifies as young, just inexperienced in the ways of computer hardware and it's many nuances.


However, it is kind of like listening to a mosquito in your ear every time you turn on the computer, if that lets you know how mind numbingly annoying it is.

Edited by Silas13013

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Well I'm almost twenty so I'm not sure if that qualifies as young

It most certainly does. :lol:


You haven't destroyed your high-frequency hearing yet and it hasn't been killed by old age either.


My PSU does similar things under load - and my graphics cards are worse. 4870x2s tend to scream when you load them down (though it's unnoticeable unless you're watercooling them).

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It most certainly does. :lol:


You haven't destroyed your high-frequency hearing yet and it hasn't been killed by old age either.


My PSU does similar things under load - and my graphics cards are worse. 4870x2s tend to scream when you load them down (though it's unnoticeable unless you're watercooling them).

Ahh to feel young again. My neighborhood is right near 2 different elementary schools and seeing all the little children makes me feel old before my time. :teehee:


But it's good to know that my PSU isn't going to burst into flame :woo:


Thanks for the help guys!

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