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Hello everyone, i need an advice

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I feel that my pc was way faster when i was on my 9800 gtx xD it may be only an impression, but you are right since i'm at 3.6ghz everything seems at least back to normal, yet i can't play black ops on too good settings as i get good spikes, and bc2 is still super demanding for C2D processors, yet it ran flawlessly or so it felt with my 9800 gtx , but now with the 460GTX it feels a bit slower, also could it be because it's OC'Ed? It's a Gigabyte GeForce GTX 460 Fermi 760MHZ 1GB 3.6GHZ GDDR5 2XDVI Mini-HDMI PCI-E DX11 Video Card. I'll try 3.8ghz soon when i get my V8 coolermaster cpu cooler this week :P I achieved it on stock but i was reaching the 60 C mark :P I'm scared of heat :P


I run my 460 at between 800 to 850 mhz oc and have good results so I don't think you would have any problems running at 760 mhz, if anything I would try it a little higher, they are very good oc'ing cards.

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BFBC2 is a strange bird. That's my favorite title and play it literally 2 hours every day of the week. Sometimes game play is awesome, other times it's just so so and that's running with 2 GTX570 cards. When it comes to BFBC2 there are a lot of other factors that affect how smoothly the game play is.


In addition to updating your m/b bios, and rolling back to a driver revision that always worked great for me. Check out some research on the web regarding BFBC2 jitters, stutters, lags etc. It's a wide spread and widely known problem.


By the way, if you're running Windows 7, the tweak for the Network Throttling Index works for most systems - or at least improves the game play a bit. If you haven't already done it, also edit the .cfg file and make sure to disable HBAO (shown as HSAO in the config file) and also disable bloom.


Change all in game quality settings to medium and go easy on the AA and AF if you're gaming at high resolutions.


If you'd like some guidance on complete performance tweaking of the .cfg file let me know and I can make some recommendations that WILL improve your game play experience in BFBC2.


Umm since i upgraded the bios i have a huge lag during games after a while, ping stays @ 20~40 ms while fps stays @ 125 fps but everything lags, for example i would run past a door only to find myself running in a wall way before that door, i don't know what caused this. it's really troublesome. ^^

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Hi Unsealed.


You might give this tool a go and see if it can pinpoint anything.


I use it frequently to help verify the quality of service on internet connections - especially those used for gaming or real time audio/video streaming over the net;




Also, have a visit to ISPGeeks. They have a full suite of really good internet speed and quality tests. To get access to the advanced tests you'll need to register, but I promise they don't spam you :)


It's really strange that you had issue with the 266.58s because I ran every driver ever released and the 266.58s were my favorite. And even stranger that the motherboard BIOS update seems to have amplified the issue. Should have been the other way around :(


Sounds like you might have other problems going on.


Some benchmark runs would really help us out - we could compare your results to ours and others and see if your card is performing on par and where it should be.

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I've got a fishing tournament this weekend, so I won't be home until Sunday morning. But I'll post up a custom .cfg file for you and you can give those settings a try and see if it helps out.


What resolution is your monitor?


Final question :)


Whats the make, model and power rating of your power supply?

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I've got a fishing tournament this weekend, so I won't be home until Sunday morning. But I'll post up a custom .cfg file for you and you can give those settings a try and see if it helps out.


What resolution is your monitor?


Final question :)


Whats the make, model and power rating of your power supply?


I'm @ 1440X900

and it's an ocz 600w as for rating i'll have to open to check i'm not home atm, but i am having someone look @ it soon.


PS: trying some new drivers modified apparently that are made to fix my issues, i'll let you know how it goes!


PS2: Good luck with the tournament! :)

Edited by Unsealed

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I'm @ 1440X900

and it's an ocz 600w as for rating i'll have to open to check i'm not home atm, but i am having someone look @ it soon.


PS: trying some new drivers modified apparently that are made to fix my issues, i'll let you know how it goes!


EDIT: I turned off shader warming On black ops and i changed to the newest beta drivers, dropped a bit in terms of fps, used to go from 90-200 now 70-150, but loading times are incredible, 4 seconds and i'm in the game, as before it used to be around 50 seconds!!

PS2: Good luck with the tournament! :)

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Arright a new update!

For some reason, i dunno which one and what happened i have been changing drivers a lot, i'm on the latest beta atm, and i'm finally not lagging at all in battlefield bad company 2! Average 50 fps on high graphics! Could be improved but i'm quite happy i can play with fluid fps! Vsync is off everything on high, 4x AA and i go from 40 - 70 fps. Mostly stays in the lower 50's!

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That's great new US!


Here are the changes I made to my .cfg file when I was running a single GTX460. Feel free to give them a spin if you'd like.


































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  • 2 weeks later...

That's great new US!


Here are the changes I made to my .cfg file when I was running a single GTX460. Feel free to give them a spin if you'd like.



































Everything is running super smooth now! Thanks a lot for the help everyone!

PS: sorry for the delay had a private SOA exam :P Which i passed! Woot now back to gaming/Ocing xD

This thread is done! Ty everyone again!

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