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IOH Voltage

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Hey OCC,


In a previous thread, I was having issues with my GPU downclocking itself. All was fine and dandy after I reverted back to older Geforce drivers. That is, until a couple days ago when it downclocked itself and also sent me down to 8gb of usable RAM (instead of 12gb). In response, I restarted and increased my QPI and CPU voltage a touch and it has been running stable ever since. For how long is anyone's guess though.


I am wondering if increasing either the IOH voltage or the IOH PCI-E voltage will keep my heavily-overclocked GTX 470 from downclocking itself. If so, what are some normal voltages I could try? They are both currently set to "Auto".





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Yeah the ioh could be the cause. You can move it between 1.20 to 1.30 and see if that helps you. The only time i really ran into the ioh or NB being an issue is when using multi gpu or a heavily overclocked one. Try 1.20v and see what happens but just be sure and monitor your temps. I know I have to run mine at 1.36 to make my gpu's stable but that's only due to the three gtx480s populating my Pcix lanes at x16 bandwidth. And a revolution drive at x4. LOL.


And BTW are you using a overclocking tool such as prime 95 or occt to test this or are you bsoding while under light loads???

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Yeah the ioh could be the cause. You can move it between 1.20 to 1.30 and see if that helps you. The only time i really ran into the ioh or NB being an issue is when using multi gpu or a heavily overclocked one. Try 1.20v and see what happens but just be sure and monitor your temps. I know I have to run mine at 1.36 to make my gpu's stable but that's only due to the three gtx480s populating my Pcix lanes at x16 bandwidth. And a revolution drive at x4. LOL.


And BTW are you using a overclocking tool such as prime 95 or occt to test this or are you bsoding while under light loads???

My system rarely BSODs, it just does weird things haha. If you look at that other thread I provided, my GPU actually reverts to the "2D" clocks (aka 405 mhz) while playing games or folding and will not ramp up to the "3D" clocks when needed (at 770 mhz). Even when the RAM decreases to 8gb, the system doesn't crash unless it is trying to use more than 8 (like when I am editing HD videos).


Using both prime 95 and occt show that I'm stable, so I don't think it's a CPU issue at all.


My MB says that the minimum value for IOH is 1.2v, so should I just go ahead and try 2.4 or 2.6? And would you recommend doing this to both IOH and IOH PCI-E settings or just the PCI-E one?


Thanks boinker!

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D leave the ioh Pci alone and do 1.30 on the ioh and see what that does. Bare in kind for that NB 1.30 is the start of the red for my board so just be careful with it.


Does it do this with any other of your video cards. Cause I think the video card you have is jacked up???

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Thanks boinker, I'll try that tonight and see what happens. What temperatures should I monitor to make sure it does not over-heat? I always monitor CPU temps and GPU and my GPU's PCB temps.


I only have the one video card (just built my first desktop last year) so I am unable to tell if it is just the card of if my system is jacked up haha

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Monitor all your temps its important that you know whats going on to all of your hardware. Have you sent your card back to a RMA before?


If your CPU comes close to 70C under light load then watch out. GPU usually sustain higher temps you'll have to look that up yourself.

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I have never RMA'd anything before so this would be the first time, and sadly my computer would be out of commission since I don't have a spare GPU.


My CPU usually comes close to 70C under extreme load and my GPU tops out at 82C under intense load.

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GPU seems fine on the temps then. If it gets to 90C then watch out.


I was in your situation before too, I still RMA'd my item. My computer was down for a week and a half because of shipping errors. I survived :D

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My MB says that the min value for IOH is 1.2v is the minimum so should I just go ahead and try 2.4 or 2.6?

I hope that is a typing mistake. You def don't want to try 2.4 or 2.6v.


1.3v on the IOH is perfectly safe. No issues, no worries..

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I hope that is a typing mistake. You def don't want to try 2.4 or 2.6v.


1.3v on the IOH is perfectly safe. No issues, no worries..

Haha yea sorry. I'm trying 1.2v right now because it starts at 1.1v. 1.3v is the maximum.

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