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oc noob


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hello everyone so i am noob to ocing compared to most. i have messed with the oc and i just cant get it stable for gaming. desktop will run forever. i also would like to go above 3.2 would like it back around 3.8 also the cpu is on a water loop. swiftech kit 1/2in lines duel rad 655 pump. please help

below r all my current settings its semi stable


Motherboard: Model:Gigabyte GA-EP45T-UD3P Rev#: 1.0 Bios Version:f8c Gigabyte GA-EP45T-UD3P

Cpu: Intel Q9650

Ram: G Skill F3-12800CL9-2GBNQ 4gb total ddr3 1600

Power Supply Unit: Corsair pro ax1200


note: replace all ?? with the value displayed in your bios.

----> Replace "Auto" with manually set values.


MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)

Robust Graphics Booster -------------- : [Auto]

CPU Clock Ratio ---------------------- : [7]

Fine CPU Clock Ratio ----------------- : [0.5] <-- ignore if not available

CPU Frequency ---------------------: 3.0ghz <-- this is set by your bios


Clock Chip Control

Standard Clock Control

CPU Host Clock Control --------------- : [Enabled]

CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) --------------: [400]

PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) ---------- : [100] <--- Set to 100, never leave this on Auto


C.I.A.2 ------------------------------ : [Disabled]


Advanced Clock Control ------- [Press Enter]

CPU Clock Drive ---------------------- : [800]

PCI Express Clock Drive -------------- : [900]

CPU Clock Skew (ps) ------------------ : [0ps]

MCH Clock Skew (ps) ------------------ : [0ps]


DRAM Performance Control

Performance Enhance ------------------- : [standard] <--- set to STANDARD when overclocking

Extreme Memory Profile --- (X.M.P.) --- : [Disabled] <--- Leave this Disabled

(G)MCH Frequency Latch ---------------- : [200]

System Memory Multiplier -------------- : [4.00c] <-- this is the setting that you are using

Memory Frequency (Mhz) ---------------- : [1600]

DRAM Timing Selectable ---------------- : [manual] <-- set to MANUAL for overclocking


Standard Timing Control

CAS Latency Time -------- 9 ---------- : [9]

tRCD -------------------- 9 ---------- : [9]

tRP --------------------- 9 ---------- : [9]

tRAS -------------------- 24 --------- : [25]


Advanced Timing Control

tRRD ------------------- ?? ---------- : [5]

tWTR ------------------- ?? ---------- : [6]

tWR --------------------- ?? ---------- :[12] all memory setting i got from the xmp profile. putting xmp on didnt work but putting them

tRFC ------------------- ?? ---------- : [88] in manualy helped. also i lowered the voltage to 1.70 from the what xmp profile had it at 1.92

tRTP ------------------- ?? ---------- : [6] in windows i thought this was just a little high for ddr3

Command Rate (CMD) -------------------- : [Auto] <--- Auto or 0 is OK


Driving Strength Profiles

Driving Strength --------- : Press Enter <--- press ENTER to modify memory sub-timings when overclocking


Channel A

Static tRead Value --------------------- : [Auto]

tRD Phase0 Adjustment ------------------ : [Auto] <-- leave this and below set to AUTO

tRD Phase1 Adjustment ------------------ : [Auto]

tRD Phase2 Adjustment ------------------ : [Auto]

tRD Phase3 Adjustment ------------------ : [Auto]

Trd2rd(Different Rank) ----------------- : [Auto]

Twr2wr(Different Rank) ----------------- : [Auto]

Twr2rd(Different Rank) ----------------- : [Auto]

Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank) ----------------- : [Auto]

Dimm1 Clock Skew Control --------------- : [Auto] ps

Dimm2 Clock Skew Control --------------- : [Auto] ps


Channel B

Static tRead Value --------------------- : [Auto]

tRD Phase0 Adjustment ------------------ : [Auto] <-- leave this and below set to AUTO

tRD Phase1 Adjustment ------------------ : [Auto]

tRD Phase2 Adjustment ------------------ : [Auto]

tRD Phase3 Adjustment ------------------ : [Auto]

Trd2rd(Different Rank) ----------------- : [Auto]

Twr2wr(Different Rank) ----------------- : [Auto]

Twr2rd(Different Rank) ----------------- : [Auto]

Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank) ----------------- : [Auto]

Dimm1 Clock Skew Control --------------- : [Auto] ps

Dimm2 Clock Skew Control --------------- : [Auto] ps


Motherboard Voltage Control


Voltage Types------------ Normal -------- Current -----

Load-Line Calibration ----------------- : [Enabled]

CPU Vcore --------------- 1.175 ---- : [1.35]


CPU Termination --------- 1.2 ----- : [Auto]

CPU PLL ----------------- 1.5 ----- : [Auto]


CPU Reference ----------- 0.76 ----- : [Auto]

CPU Reference2 ---------- ?.???V* ----- : [Auto] <---- does not exist on this mobo



MCH Core ---------------- 1.1 ------- : [1.36]

MCH Reference ----------- 0.76 ------- : [Auto]

MCH/DRAM Ref ------------ 0.75 ------ : [Auto]

ICH I/O ----------------- 1.5 ------- : [Auto]

ICH Core ---------------- 1.1 ------- : [Auto]


DRAM Voltage ------------ 1.50 ------- : [1.70]

DRAM Termination -------- 0.75 ------- : [Auto]

Channel A Reference ----- 0.75 ------- : [Auto]

Channel B Reference ----- 0.75 ------- : [Auto]


Advanced Settings

Limit CPUID Max. to 3 ------------------ : [Disabled]

No-Execute Memory Protect -------------- : [Enabled]

CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) ---------------- : [Disabled]

C2/C2E State Support ------------------- : [Disabled]

x C4/C4E State Support ----------------- : [Disabled]

CPU Thermal Monitor 2 (TM2) ------------ : [Enabled]

CPU EIST Function --------------------- : [Disabled]

Virtualization Technology -------------- : [Disabled]


Integrated Peripherals

Legacy USB Storage Detect ------------- : [Disabled]

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The 4.00C memory strap(latch) / divider were never that friendly to me. Try 2.00 or 2.66, specifically 2.00B as a starting point.


Change voltages to the following;


Northbridge 1.36v

VTT 1.38v

PLL 1.70v

vDimm 1.60v

CPU 1.425v


If I didn't mention it above (voltages) then leave it set at auto.


Make those changes and see how it works out.

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what wev said... also have you read any 775 guides?? I know that your setup can EASILY hit 4.0ghz (or it better) as my old Q9450 could on air. Push higher but only after reading enough to understand what you are changing!

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Great point about reading guides IVY.


There are plenty of great Socket 775 O/C guides available through a simple Google Search. And I'll bet you'll even find some with that exact same processor ;)

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