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AI Suite autotuner safe? SSD temp issue!!!

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hey guys,


1) so i just finished my rig :D!!!!! i will post pics and specs later. but i have a few issues that im worried about. so ive never oc'ed before and just figured the autotune would be the easiest thing for me to overclocker my i5-2500k, so i did that and acheived an overclock of about 4.3 ghz. i was wondering is this was a safe way to do it? should i change it back to normal? i ran a prime95 blend test (dunno if thats what im suppsoed to do) and with the H60 im acheiving temps of around 58-60 degrees celsius.


2) how do i know if i installed my cpu wrong when i put it in the motherboard? i mean how do i know if i messed with the pins, cause i got worried and then took it out and checked and then put it back in and i dunno if i messed with it, but my computer has like lagged at some points like when loading a page on chrome it says not responding or on other programs its done that once or twice...i dunno if thats cause im using a network adapter and the connection isnt good or its the computer itself. other than a few lags or freezes like that (its never completely frozen and required a restart it just gets stuck for a bit) the computer is blazing fast especially with the ssd


3) last concern, thanks for the patience if you've made it through this far through the post :P. im using HWMonistor to check my temps, and for some reason it says my ssd is running at 128 degrees celsius!!!! value, min and max!! as soon as i saw that i freaked out! and took of the side panel (my ssd is sitting on the bottom of my 800D, above the PSU though, so not all the way at the bottom) and i poked it with my finger to see if it was hot but it was completely fine to the touch, i then put my hand on it and it was fine, can anyone explain this?


sorry if my concerns are really dumb this is just my first time building my rig and im really worried i screwed something up


EDIT: just froze again while running Prime95, well, i could move the mouse and stuff and i could see the test still running but i couldnt click anything, dunno if this was cause of prime95 or not....speeds are still amazing everything is perfect except for this problem, could it be that i need a bios update?

Edited by jdhatt

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Your freezing either means you ahve too little ram for the pc to do anything but prime 95 but i doubt this, the other and more likely problem is that you are not at a stable oc. As for the ssd temp, its probably a driver sensor issue.

oh and on the cpu, if its running you installed it properly,

Finally, DONT USE AUTOTUNE use the BIOS to overclock, safer and once you learn, easier.

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Your freezing either means you ahve too little ram for the pc to do anything but prime 95 but i doubt this, the other and more likely problem is that you are not at a stable oc. As for the ssd temp, its probably a driver sensor issue.

oh and on the cpu, if its running you installed it properly,

Finally, DONT USE AUTOTUNE use the BIOS to overclock, safer and once you learn, easier.


i dont think that the freezing is from the OC as it did it even before the oc. but i installed the cpu correctly?! i thought it could still run just will glitch out a bit, which is what i thought was happening. ill take a look at overclocking from the bios, anyone know how i get the default cpu speed back? and yea i have 8gb of corsair vengeance so i dont think thats the problem :s

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doublecheck your ssd temp with crystal disk info!


uhhrmmm thats weird it says the health status is 100% good but then temperature it just says "-- celsius"....for my 1TB storage drive it says 33 degrees....does not having it in a drive bay make a difference?

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could the freezing issues be because of the ssd? and to be sure, is there no way anything is wrong with my cpu installation if my computer is running? or is it possible for it to run and glitch out, and maybe be the reason for the freezing issue?

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could the freezing issues be because of the ssd? and to be sure, is there no way anything is wrong with my cpu installation if my computer is running? or is it possible for it to run and glitch out, and maybe be the reason for the freezing issue?

There might be a problem with the ssd, and any memory problem could cause all of above problems... I honestly don't know.

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