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OC'ing the CPU

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My watercooling is soon complete and oh am I excited. I got all my blocks mounted so far, can't wait to take pics of when its done :) (Hopefully I didn't kill my board by accidentely forgetting the spacers and warping it a bit :O)


Anyways, all the info of it is in my sig. But here is a quick list of the important parts and the waterblocks on em..


W3520(Basically 920 D0) with EK Supreme HF and Easy Mount

EVGA Classified E760 with EK Classified full block

Corsair 3x2gb DDR 1600 with MIPS Corsair edition (More for looks than performance :))


Now I am a complete noob when it comes to OC'ing on X58. Uncore, QPI and all that stuff, no idea what it does.


Now my memory I read was pure garbage at going above its rated speeds( 8-8-8-24 DDR1600) so I wanna just keep that at that or under it.

I really wanna be able to get my CPU to 4.2ghz with HT on, but it all depends on the temps when I get it up and running.

I want to be able to use it 24/7, not just for benching.


Now, how do you OC with i7 on X58?

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