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Uneven Temps


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So I've recently acquired an E8400 which has been showing some odd temperature issues. At idle one core is at 22C and the other is at 34C. I've remounted the cooler and used the one dot thermal paste application method and the spread was just about perfect the first time so it should be fine now. Everything is running at stock with the Vcore at 1.14v. The odd thing is when i stress the cpu out(with occt) the temps only are different by 3C. So if anybody might have some insight into what's going on here the help would be appreciated. It's the rig in my sig.



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Yeah but which temperature should i trust?

You should trust your LOAD temps.


Idle temps are inaccurate and for practical purposes meaningless.

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Well i've thrown a slight OC it's way (3.8) and now at load the temps are still about 10C different so what i'm asking is what do you think would be better to trust the higher or lower temp or just figure it's somewhere in between?

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Its not out of the ordinary for one core to sometimes be hotter than the other (happens with my QX9650). This is simply because one of the cores is being slightly used more than the other

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there should be a cpu temperature sensor on your motherboard. Depending on the program and board the name varies. this is the one the bios reading shows as well. its usually lower than the cores reading when you first stress but the longer you stress it the more accurate it becomes. See what it shows after you stress it for a while and the temps at their peeks. It should agree with one of the core temps or may be in the middle of them. This is the temperature sensor that i would use to check with. It is also the sensor that motherboard manufacturers use for cooling fan speeds and for auto shut down when the system in over heating.

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