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Power off after Power on


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hey guys! merry Christmas!


When I turn on my computer it will turn off then after 2 seconds it will turn on again. is this normal or should i be worried about it?


proc: athlon 2 x3 440 oc'd to 3.5

mobo: emaxx 880g-fxn

Ram: kingston 4 gb (running at 390)

PSU: ocz stealth extreme 2 600 watts

VC: 4770 pc

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If I understand correctly, it turns it's self off and then on again after 2 secs, then yea you should be looking into it since it's not normal behavior for a PC. Though you should specify if there really is a 2 second period of time when the PC is off, or if it turns it's self off, and then restarts immediately. If that's the case, then it's not the PC, but rather a problem with the power of the house or whatever. I've had this before when the power of my apartment would go out for a split second and it would make the PC restart it's self like that.


You can know if this is the issue by leaving a lamp on near you and keeping an eye on it and if it flashes when the PC thing happens then that's the problem. If not, then it might be PC related though I'm not sure what exactly since your PSU has plenty o' voltage.

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sorry but what i mean is. When im turning on my computer it will light for a second then it will go off by itself then after 2 seconds it will turn on again and stable no problems what so ever.

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sorry but what i mean is. When im turning on my computer it will light for a second then it will go off by itself then after 2 seconds it will turn on again and stable no problems what so ever.


You could try replacing your power supply with another one and see if it works, just to make sure that yours isn't faulty or something, despite it being capable of supporting your system.

Edited by sack_patrol

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well as far as the bios is concerned, i only changed two things. Changed the cpu reference clock to 234 mhz and down clocked the memory to 3:5. So my ram is running right now at 390mhz. do you think it is the bios?

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Sounds more like a bad BIOS setting to me.


Though it should reset itself...try clearing the BIOS.


yes it is starting.... making your bios settings and checking...finds them ok ...then restarting

I bet if you clear your bios/settings it won't do it

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