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Stuck at 2,7Ghz with Q6600


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Hi guys,


I have a little bit of a problem, i have the Q6600 (G0), but i can't get it past 2,7 Ghz (9x300) because than it goes unstable in prime.

I have tried a higher voltage, but i think that 1,5V is a little bit extreme to get my chip to run higher than 2,7 Ghz.

My RAM is also not the problem, because i have it detached.


Some people could get at like 3.2 Ghz on stock cooling, and a voltage below 1.5, so i should be able to get at least past 3,5, right?


Is it possible that my motherboard (P5B) could be the limmiting factor?


Does anyone have any idea how to get past my 2,7 Ghz?


Thanks, :thumbsup:

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every chip is different but when i had a q6600 i was able to get 3.2ghz stable with stock voltage and 1.5v is too high. what is your temps at stock?


quick and dirty way to get a good simple OC is to set the memory to 1:1, FSB to 400 and muti@8 should yield 3.2ghz.

Edited by hornybluecow

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Here are my temps, i have a Zalman CNPS9900 as cooler.

cpu: 20C

Core0 38C

core1 39C

core2 35C

core3 34C

this is after 5 min. of prime.


But what can be the problem that prevents me from getting a higher clock than 2,7


Yes, i tried your method once, but it didn't work, the comp. wouldn't boot.

What is the voltage needed with those settings?



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