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help oc 1090t


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I got a phenom 2 1090t to replace my dead 965be, and Im having a little trouble oc'ing it. I can get it to 3.8ghz with only cpu voltage of 1.375, I have also managed to get it to 3.9ghz (I think the voltage was set to 1.42) but I havent run a full hour of OCCT to see if its truly stable, and at 4ghz (I think the voltage was 1.45) I cant get it to run more than 5 minutes of OCCT without either crashing or aborting and saying there is a problem in core 2.


I haven't changed any voltages other than the cpu voltage. Am I not using enough voltage? Do I need to bump the cpu nb voltage?


I also saw a video where they weren't even touching the cpu voltage, they were using the cpu vdd voltage. Whats the difference, and should I be using that instead?


My motherboard is an MSI 790GX-G65 and I have a Sunbeam Core Contact Freezer on the cpu with Tunix TX-4 compound

Edited by Savan

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When i oced my cpu to 3.2 i was getting errors in cores for some reason in occt and occt blew my mobo after 5 hours of stress test ,i stopped using it after that,now i run stock.What are ur temps at 4GHz and 1.45v?I dont think u will have to increase the NB voltage unless ur goin the oc very high.and how are u overclocking,by Multi or FSB?

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Edit : 4ghz at 1.45v is the normal voltage

35 load is definately not normal under full load. That has to be wrong . What are your ambiant temps ?

I dont think the core contact beats the h50 push/pull so your temp sensor must be wrong . Whats your idle temp ?

What is your NB and HTT Frequencies ?

Edited by Nyt Ryda

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sorry for the confusion, those numbers were from memory. Voltage was 1.42, HTT link and NB freq are 2110mhz. Im not really sure that the max temp really was 35c, thats just the highest I observed it before it crashed. Ambient temp is 20c.


I decided to try using the cpu vdd voltage instead of the cpu voltage. so cpu is back to auto and vdd is at 1.4125 haven't run occt yet, but I have super pi running at Im sitting at 36c. Cpu-z reports that the core voltage is 1.496 though is that just an error or is vdd messing with my vcore too?

Edited by Savan

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