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Could this make my Video card overclock unstable?

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I have my PC overclocked rather well along with the video card but unless my video card is at stock settings the VPU Recover always kicks in when I start a game up, if was just 1 game it wouldn't bother me so much. However right now Dawn of War 1 and 2, Lord of the Rings, WoW, Crysis and even Dungeon Fighter Online of all things causes my video card to artifact or just simply shut down and reboot itself.


The settings in question are as follows:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X2 550 BE @ 3.92 GHz 1.425 V. Core(max)

GPU: XFX Radeon HD 4870 1G @ 780/1000 (default: 700/900)


I have done two 48 hour Prime95 tests 1 Blend and the Other Max heat and I can't find any errors, any ideas?

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No "automatic overclocking" app is worth using. They all pretty much suck and none will get you an optimum overclock (and many times they won't even be stable!).

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well hahaha its a little odd but It was my CPU Overclock...I don't get that but oh well. I reduced my overall over clock on my 550 BE from 3.92 GHz to 3.82 GHz and then not only did this stablize my Video Card I was able to push my 4870 from its original clocks of 750/900 to 805/1125 and it is not only stable they both fly, I figured Crysis would serve as a good test after Priming it again for 24 Hours and stressing my GPU on Kombuster for 12, sooooo all stable, yay!

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