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[WTB] Intel Core i7 920


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Hello my beloved OCC. How I've missed you :)


Believe it or not, I'm still using the same rig in my signature... I just didn't have the time or money to build something new since my daughter came along.


I think the dust has settled a bit, and I may be able to afford some new parts, so I'm looking to OCC, my old haunt, to find the first piece to my new puzzle.


If you have an i7 920 that you're looking to get rid of, just reply or PM me.


I'm also looking for any relatively modern parts if you are willing to sell them for cheap, or just want to give an old user a hand-me-down.



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Do you live near any microcenters per chance?

If so I'd recommend you check out the prices on their 930's and 950's. Unless you get a 920 for $150 or cheaper (C0 stepping should be $120) and live near a microcenter, you should just buy one of those i7's there.

Hell I'd buy it and send it to ya for just shipping and gas to go there :)

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