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need a modern simple HTPC guide.


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I read the sticky. but it's a bit high on the technical trickery required and does not exactly help my wife to understand just what is going on.


So I have an HTPC cased build sitting collecting dust....and it is STILL up to date and very useful, probably after a HD adjustment (replacement). however now that I have ditched Dish Network due to a move, I would like to set up my build AS a dedicated HTPC rig and I really have no knowlege in the requirements for software or remote use.


Remember, whatever software is used, my WIFE must be able to record, playback, program recordings and see listings all without calling me. that may be a tall order but I cannot have her calling me in the middle of work while loading up a flight asking how to record her grey's anatomy or even find the show to watch what she DID record. So this is my problem. I would loooove a solution.


So, keep it simple. Suggest software that easily works and is girl friendly. and also select a universal remote control please that works for everything and also is girl friendly.

what i have so far to work with:


Comcast Digital.

Samsung LN40B630 tv.

Silverstone HTPC case, specs in sig. the sound card is an X-fi that works quite nice, but i will need a tuner card i guess, and ill add a nice fat 500gig or 1tb segate. we do get the HD comcast package (however good that is) so i will get whatever HD space i need for that.


thanks for the help guys. I'm just falling short on time to sit down and really figure out all of this without getting wrapped up in minutia and giving up. i think this is how my parents felt when they got old and gave up on setting the VCR clock.

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recording cable isnt going to be easy...


there are tuner cards that can run some cable channels but not many as the Cable co. is always trying to keep things scrambled....


other than that its just simple....my wife does it...


I set the folders as Read ONLY on the HTPC and then I just have her use WMP or WMC and its just a matter of point and click....or double click...


for the tuner card if you can get one to view the cable show or OTA Digital....then just show her where you save the recording and then she can find it and play it....most Tuner card software has a recorder and player...so if you record it then run the player it has a button for saved files and you just get the one with the right date code....my Encore card was like that...it couldnt be any easier...


if you add complicated software and she dont understand it then its just more frustrating for you...I have everything saved on the server and that drive mapped to the HTPC...the wife finds it by going to Computer and then finding what she wants to watch and clicks it and it opens in WMC and it goes...simple as pie and she couldnt be happier...


For shows see if they have them hosted online somewhere like Hulu and bookmark it and show her how to use that...no sense in recording something with commercials when its hosted online right?

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Windows 7 Media Center with a couple of plugins is probably the best bet. I use Media Browser to sort through my movies and it's very intuitive. I also use a simple modified registry file to allow it to play .mkv files as they are not supported natively.


I hate to reverence another site but there is a huge amount of information at www.avsforum.com


There is a tuner card that can decode the encrypted cable stations but it around $400, requires a cable card for each simultaneous recording you want to make and it its on a long back order. It is the Ceton InfiniTV...a simple google search would find it. The other wary of doing it is to use an IR blaster to select the station from the cable box and hook the output of the cable box to a tuner but I'm not sure how simple that is to set up.

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hmm. thanks for the information guys. yeah since we don't have a DVR anymore from Dish, We need some sort of replacement. just a basic VCR really....but.....that's on the outs and I'm not going to invest in that stuff anymore. So, I guess just using the Cable box output split to the tuner card would work nicely.


I just thought I would somehow build my own Tivo box and run it with simple software. i guess it's not that simple without a $$$ card now.

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The new media center in windows 7 is very very very easy to use and setup. It's one thing microsoft got right. There is a section for tv that has sub sections for live tv, recorded shows, tv guide, and one or two others.


Then there is a movie section that is also very very simple. I use an add in to make it have some more eye candy and a registry edit to allow it to support .mkv files. Using any media center remote should work as well. I can't think of anything more wife friendly then it to be honest.

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The new media center in windows 7 is very very very easy to use and setup. It's one thing microsoft got right. There is a section for tv that has sub sections for live tv, recorded shows, tv guide, and one or two others.


Then there is a movie section that is also very very simple. I use an add in to make it have some more eye candy and a registry edit to allow it to support .mkv files. Using any media center remote should work as well. I can't think of anything more wife friendly then it to be honest.


now that sounds like a winner. I got 7-64 pro on the main rig, ill have to investigate a second install of it or a cheaper version of 64 bit that contains the 7MC package in it. if it behaves like a DVR, then the Wife will be pleased. as far as schedules, tv-guide, et. al. does it get all the information from my provider or is it an internet/MS thing i need to somehow work out a registration or subscription for ....or im thinking too much abotut it.

thank you everyone for the help.


now to begin the process

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Get an MCE remote... I got the one by Hauppauge (it's a USB IR receiver + Remote)


Plug the USB IR receiver in, and it just works instantly with Media Center, nothing to configure... much better than mouse/keyboard



This kit comes with an IR blaster to control a separate receiver (e.g. your cable box), so you can have a TV tuner in the HTPC, and connect the cable box to the TV tuner (or I guess it could be a video capture card), and then Media Center can change channel on the cable box... so you can control the cable box using the PC, and MCE remote... Live TV, schedule recordings, etc...


+1 vote for Media Browser pluging for Media Center, it's awesome, and pretty much automatic... just put all your movies in a folder each and name the folder <Title> (<Year>) ... e.g. \Video\Movies\Ninja Assasin (2009)

put all your TV shows in a folder each, subfolder each season, and include in the filename of each episode S<season>E<episode> ... e.g. \Video\Series\True Blood\Season 1\True Blood - S01E01 - Strange Love.avi


then Media Browser will automatically pull all the information (synopsis, actors, imdb rating, etc) and cover art, backdrop images...

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now that sounds like a winner. I got 7-64 pro on the main rig, ill have to investigate a second install of it or a cheaper version of 64 bit that contains the 7MC package in it. if it behaves like a DVR, then the Wife will be pleased. as far as schedules, tv-guide, et. al. does it get all the information from my provider or is it an internet/MS thing i need to somehow work out a registration or subscription for ....or im thinking too much abotut it.

thank you everyone for the help.


now to begin the process


Check it out on your rig where you all ready have professional installed. It gets all the schedules/guide info from the internet for free. No subscription needed.

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I got 7-64 pro on the main rig, ill have to investigate a second install of it or a cheaper version of 64 bit that contains the 7MC package in it.

Well, 7 Home Premium is the cheapest edition with Media Center: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/products/compare


I really don't know how much it would cost for an additional license for Professional though, it might be worth calling Microsoft... there are family license packs available, which could possibly include Professional...

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