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Why not use the CCF you have on it and see if that's enough ya goof!! :lol:

Looks like a sweet build, I've really got a soft spot for AMD after messing with my cousins so long. a $60 3.4ghz quad running on a $55 refurb board is awesome!!

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Why not use the CCF you have on it and see if that's enough ya goof!! :lol:

Looks like a sweet build, I've really got a soft spot for AMD after messing with my cousins so long. a $60 3.4ghz quad running on a $55 refurb board is awesome!!


Yeah well, I may use the CCF on it to see. :lol: I just need more thermal paste, probably going to snag the new TX-4.


My first system was an AMD, then when I built this system the Core2Duo series seemed to be the better performer compared to the Athlon 64 X2/Phenom I series. But now I'm going back to AMD because well, Intel doesn't offer me much of any improvements and the price is still crazy because I don't have a Microcenter near me.

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I'm considering keeping my HAF 932 and reusing my Thermaltake PSU. The PSU has been working fine for 3 years now and its not being stressed a real lot so it should last a while longer. I mean, I'd like to use the PSU I won and get a new case, but there really isn't anything wrong with my current PSU and case. Think I should upgrade those or keep them the same?

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Hi BP9801,

I have the current system:

Asus M4A89GTD PRO/USB3, AMD Phenom II X6 1055,

BIOS 1301, Corsair 8GB CMD8GX3M4A1333C7,

MSI R5750 MD1G,

WD Caviar Black 1 TB Sata III, Antec P183 Case, Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit.


Windows performance is: Processor 7.5, Memory 7.5, Graphics 7.3, Gaming Graphice 7.3, Hard Disk 5.9.


This is without OC.



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Well, I got the parts bought from one our reviewers, ajmatson. He'll be sending me an AMD Phenom II X6 1075T, ASUS M4A88TD-V Evo mobo, Corsair DDR3-1600 4GB, Thermolab BARAM 2010 cooler, and a Corsair Nova 128GB SSD. Totally looking forward to the parts, should be getting them before long. Now I just need to find the time to build it in between all my bloody papers. :lol:

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