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Alright, something's gone "wrong." I finished a SETI document quite a while ago, and I still haven't gotten my alien head, and I finished another Folding WU and it hasn't updated my sig stats (but it is updated on the Folding stats page at Stanford.edu)

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LP hardly ever checks the seti list (according to bishop) and the folding banners only get updated once a day. I did seti for a while, but my name is completely blank in the team stats. Oh well, seti is a lost cause anyway it's almost over and has plenty of users. If you are doing seti, it's taking away from our PimpRig conquest, get it back on track. :P

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Well, I'm still folding too. But the way they designed the Mac version (they won't let you adjust the amount of CPU it uses and they stuck it at low) it takes a week to finish one. Anyway, I'm on my fifth SETi file. Still no alien head. Guess he really doesn't check it that often. On another note, I plan on going on vacation for 3 days (I don't think I will, I'm sick and I have to go back and take the finals I missed today) but if I do go, I'll be leaving my computers on the whole time

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  • 3 weeks later...

we have a script that runs and checks the stats page to add/delete members from the folding team when you have the DNA icon under your avatar then you will have the option to add the banner to your sig

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2- Your name on the forums AND on the Folding@home team must be the exactly the same name


Does that mean that since in F@H the spaces are converted to underscores, that i need to change the space in my forum name to Mr_Yuck instead of Mr Yuck?

I turned in first WU about a week ago...

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  • 2 weeks later...
when i run the F4H console it just completes a frame every 10-12 minutes. is this what its supposed to be doing? ive gotten 60 up to this point. also how long does it usually take to get accepted

you are not showing up on our team list yet have you finished even 1 WU or have you just finished 60% of 1 WU

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