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Mixing 2 G-Skill Ram Chips

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Mixing RAM never goes well, in most cases it doesn't work at all. Each stick has different specs it will run at, you can't mix the specs. The only way you can mix RAM is if the latency, voltage and speed are the same. Your case, where the latency and possibly the voltage don't match, will not work.

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Mixing RAM never goes well, in most cases it doesn't work at all. Each stick has different specs it will run at, you can't mix the specs. The only way you can mix RAM is if the latency, voltage and speed are the same. Your case, where the latency and possibly the voltage don't match, will not work.


I understand that. But my thought process is, both rams are DDR400, both are 2.6v-2.7v rated, except one pair has 2.5-3-3-6, the other has 2-3-3-6. So If the speed, and volts were either 2.6v or 2.7v, the stick that runs CL2 should have no problem running CL2.5 to even out, thus making the sticks virtually identical. I know so, because I've booted the 2-3-3-6 sticks by themselves into 2.5. All sticks boot on any BIOS combination that I've made so far, no matter the volts or latencies, they just refuse to boot together. I've gone into the BIOS and forced CL2.5 and 2.6v and 2.7v. No luck. I understand I may be out of luck on mixing RAMs because when I built my last computers I always went with the least amount of DIMMs in a matching set, but I was getting more input and suggestions before I gave up.


Here's the RAM kits. I know I'm behind the times.

2GB: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231047

1GB: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231012

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Mixing RAM never goes well, in most cases it doesn't work at all. Each stick has different specs it will run at, you can't mix the specs. The only way you can mix RAM is if the latency, voltage and speed are the same. Your case, where the latency and possibly the voltage don't match, will not work.



I have to agree. I have never had any luck mixing ram even just as a test to see if it would work !!


It turns out to be more of a test of your patience than anything else and still doesn't work most of the time. Plus even if you do get it to work, after some time running the specs may drift just enough on the different ones to throw things off and it won't work anymore. That will really make you tear your hair out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

G-Skill tells me these RAM sticks can/should/will boot together. Is it then something my motherboard doesn't like? I've tried different chipset voltages, and RAM voltages per G-Skill's recommendation. And nothing. Still gonna keep trying here and there... :/

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