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Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package PC - Prize 14,99


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Yep... I remember that... the guy did an amazing job sifting through the pages of all 833 members to find that one page of incrimination, but I suppose it would only make since that those 19 guys pretty much speaks for everyone in the group.


As an experienced MW2 boycotter I would just like to point out that boycotting isn't something you make a group for in the first place, it's not some fad that everyone should join so they can pretend to be cool. Boycotting is a technique to allow others to know that you don't approve of what they are doing and not using their service, or in this case buying their game, it's not something that has to be popular, it's just a way to voice your opinion in the best way possible, which is by not giving them your money.


As for boycotting this DLC, ain't gonna happen, it's already in the top five of the top seller list on steam.


Also I would just like to throw something else into all of this. I was talking to a friend about this the other day and realized that there was a completely different perspective as to how some people see this DLC. Up until then I was under the impression that it simply doesn't make sense to spend the money on this DLC when you could buy something else with the money that has a lot more content, my friend pointed out that he didn't want the other games I had mentioned though so to him it was the best way he could spend that $15. I found that to be pretty interesting, I do however still feel like it's a ripoff though, and feel that anyone that buys it is a little foolish because it just tells the companies that it's okay for them to up the prices because no one will fight it. I for one will be glad when activision's next game comes out and it's $70 and their DLC for it is 2 maps for $30 while all the other developers are still selling their games at a nice and natural $50.

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I hate to see why everyone is so mad about having to pay for DLC. Hell consoles have been doing it for way longer and you don't see people whining and griping there? I remember paying for the map pack for World at War on PS3 a couple years ago and it didn't bother me. I'll buy this DLC just like millions of others are going too and YOU aren't going to stop me.

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The simple answer is this:


If you don't like it, that's okay; don't buy it.





I don't recall this being a required expansion in order to play the game, so it is slightly confusing that people are outraged. I think many luxuries are exceptionally poor value for money, but I don't complain about them - I just don't buy them :)

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I hate to see why everyone is so mad about having to pay for DLC. Hell consoles have been doing it for way longer and you don't see people whining and griping there? I remember paying for the map pack for World at War on PS3 a couple years ago and it didn't bother me. I'll buy this DLC just like millions of others are going too and YOU aren't going to stop me.


:withstupid: Boycotting isn't going to do anything because there aren't enough people doing it to make them loose a profit. I'm not saying I like the idea or support paying $15 dollars for a few maps because I think it's a ripoff to.


The only way people are going to get the message that they are being ripoff is when they start charging $30-$40 a map pack and start to only allow there games to be rented not owned and then people will start to feel the pain in there wallet and realized there being scammed.

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I hate to see why everyone is so mad about having to pay for DLC. Hell consoles have been doing it for way longer and you don't see people whining and griping there? I remember paying for the map pack for World at War on PS3 a couple years ago and it didn't bother me. I'll buy this DLC just like millions of others are going too and YOU aren't going to stop me.

I don't know if you were talking about just me or the other guy as well but my personal reason for hating this DLC is that it is overpriced. I don't hate paying for DLC, I've bought plenty of reasonably priced DLC for other games. I'm not really trying to stop anyone from buying it either, it's not my decision how others spend their money, I didn't earn it.


:withstupid: Boycotting isn't going to do anything because there aren't enough people doing it to make them loose a profit. I'm not saying I like the idea or support paying $15 dollars for a few maps because I think it's a ripoff to.


The only way people are going to get the message that they are being ripoff is when they start charging $30-$40 a map pack and start to only allow there games to be rented not owned and then people will start to feel the pain in there wallet and realized there being scammed.

Like I said, boycotting isn't about the amount of people, it's supposed to be a way for anyone to voice their opinion in the best way possible. If you sent a letter or email to activsion and told them you weren't happy with the price of the DLC but told them you planned to buy it anyway... I really don't see why they care what you think.


Also, I don't think they could lose a profit on this DLC even if they tried, I mean 10 people could have bought this and that probably would have made up for the time it took to make those three maps. I really don't think a $30 or $40 price tag on this kind of DLC is going to change that many minds either, millions of people have already shown that they are fine with paying $5 per map.

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