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Is this a good start for OC'ing

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i have just started overclocking my 555 BE unlocked to 4 cores and since i am just starting to overclock, never have before this, i was just messing with the multiplier trying to figure the max multi i could boot in. i got the multiplier up to 19.5 @ 3.9 Ghz. couldnt boot at 20x multiplier. did light benchmarking @ 3.9 nothing that would constitute stability test, atleast nothing extensive. but is this good for a start. from reading around it says to start with the multiplier and find your max boot.

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Well you need to run a stability test to make sure its stable then you can say it can run it. but its a good start

I'm running stock fan right now, thats why i only ran benchmarks and no prime. i'm just messing around a little, so that way when i do decide to really start testing i have an idea of where to start

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