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icky icky icky!


ECS (extremely crappy .*). don't do that to yourself even if you don't plan on oc'n. first off it won't oc, second of all it's a pile of dung board. IF you insist on kt600 chipsets, go with Asus or MSI (no one mfgr makes a "decent" board with it).

Edited by bigred

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ECS claims to have oc'n features, but they don't tend to work well. The other part about ECS is thier prove track record of building CRAP. every so many models they build a nice board like the K7S5A. However they're not due for a decent board anytime soon.

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And why KT600? Why not nForce2? You get AGP/PCI lock with an nForce2. There are cheap nForce2 boards out there from Albatron and Shuttle.

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