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Overclocking on air

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your mobo is on noctua's compatibility list: http://www.noctua.at/main.php?show=compati...u12f&lng=en


and worse case scenario... the dominator's are tall, so you may have to bend the edge of the lower fin on the heatsink. I had to do this on my previous mobo and it worked like a charm. I only had to bend about 5-10mm worth on it :)


There's another alternative Mr. Stay-puft. They have a brief guide in their FAQ to remove the top grill of the nearest stick's heatsink so you don't have to bend anything.




Edit: By the way, is anyone else impressed with Noctua's website? I feel like it's one of the most clean and navigable cooler parts websites I've visited.

Edited by hierovision

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@Hieovision - Definitely, that website is a breeze (heh) to navigate. Wouldn't taking off the grill of the RAM defeat the purpose in buying that RAM anyway?


@Everyone - I just realized, that in addition to being huge, the Noctua is also heavy. How will that affect the motherboard? Its a kilo just hanging off of it... kind of making me uneasy. Thoughts?

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@Everyone - I just realized, that in addition to being huge, the Noctua is also heavy. How will that affect the motherboard? Its a kilo just hanging off of it... kind of making me uneasy. Thoughts?

people have taken hammers to their Motherboards and they still worked, I don't think 1 kilo is going to be much of a problem

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@Hieovision - Definitely, that website is a breeze (heh) to navigate. Wouldn't taking off the grill of the RAM defeat the purpose in buying that RAM anyway?


@Everyone - I just realized, that in addition to being huge, the Noctua is also heavy. How will that affect the motherboard? Its a kilo just hanging off of it... kind of making me uneasy. Thoughts?


I don't think removing the top portion of one stick's heatsink will make a significant difference in temperature. I don't think there's anything wrong with bending the bottom fin of the heatsink either, so if you have issues with RAM temps from removing those little fins then bend away :P


I think the dominator GT's might create a problem though lol.

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Actually Noctua's website recommends removing the heat fins off the top of tall ram (such as Doms) ;)


Like post #13 :P


I figure bending the fins like sdy suggested is pretty much an equally viable solution, but I would personally go with removing the fins because Noctua says to do it that way.


I don't think they suggest doing it for any other RAM though... just dominators.

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