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silent cooling for i7 920

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yea your rig won't use anything approaching 650W, but thats not the point


You don't want to run your PSU @ or near it's maximum, it'll be less efficient, decrease life and make more noise


and like you found out, the HX series from Corsair are modular, while the TXs are not

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I'm sold on the Noctua... do you think (with the corsair power supply and noctua cooler and specs in first post) that I can get my i7 to 4.2 like you? :thumbs-up:

will I be able to render for another year (daily) if I clock it like that?

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you should be able to get to 3.8Ghz with no problems, most 920's hit this with ease. Once you start going for 4Ghz + thats when luck of the draw comes in. There is no way anyone can say "yes, your chip will hit 4.2Ghz" unfortunately. download http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.php and run it. post a screen shot of it. This will tell us your 920's revision (C0 or D0) and will give us a better guess as to your chips OC-ability.


C0's (like mine) were the first 920 run, they tend to not OC as well, and require higher volts

D0's are the version 2, you could say, tend to OC better, and with lower volts to boot (like R1P5AW) has.


Now both myself and R1P hit 4Ghz with our chips, but his does it @ a lower voltage. Can you chip hit 4Ghz? I'm an optimist, so i'd say most likely... but nothing is guaranteed :-/

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^ Good info SDY



If you're chip is D0 stepping (SLBEJ) it will have a higher chance of hitting 4.2GHz under lower vcore than a C0-but remember all chips are different and nothing is guaranteed!


As far as the Noctua-that would be an excellent choice :thumbs-up:

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thanks guys... will do.


I am living for the moment in Croatia, and the only distributor here for the d-14 is also offering me the psu (750hx) but it's total of

$100 more than I would pay back home (in the states)


D-14= $109 (they are only dist. in the country!)

+$7.50 shipping.(reaonable actually considering that would be gas alone for the trip)

=$116, compared to 85+shipping in the states


for the D-14 + Corsair 750HX + delivery =$337


They are offering this "other one" (Rasurbo 650W GaminX & Power PSU) for $100 less...

should I just skip their offer and go for the Corsair 750hx anyway? (better safe than sorry)


$100 is major difference. (note this thread title) but this Rasurbo doesn't appear to be on "the list" here.


I should mention that If I ordered it from back home and shipped it here, it would probably end up costing about the same just for the shipping and take longer to get here... if it even passed customs w/out being taxed 21%...


Or should I drive to Austria? Road trip!!!


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you really don't need the 750HX. if you plan on upgrading your GPU in the future then it would be useful, but even the 650TX would be plenty for you. The only benefit besides the higher wattage of the 750HX is it's "80 Plus Silver" power rating, meaning it's more efficient.


So basically, you have the same odds of hitting 4Ghz with the 650TX as you do if you had the 750HX :)

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Thanks Mr. Staypuft, :D


I am leary of giong with the odd brand he told me... may ask for the 650TX, or just go ahead and dump the extra $100 and get something I think I can rely on.


his recommendation's db level is 17 while the HX750 is like 25... so he was recommending something quite quiet!


Looking closely at the D-14, they always give the dimensions but never a diagram, so you don't know what it's calling the height, what is the width, and what is the depth?!

The pictures always show it standing up on the heat sink plate, so this would be the proper way to measure the "height" in my mind... but I don't want to buy this thing if I can't make sure it's going to fit my case... it's a pretty big case (I think)... but want to be sure.

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well i just measured the height mounted on my mobo and i would give yourself 6.75 inches from mobo to side of case for clearance. you can probably get by with 6.5, but it will be close

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