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A good 28" monitor?

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I just found this I-Inc monitor and was wondering if anyone has ever had one of I-Inc's monitor(Or even heard of them). I read on another forum that it was just a Hanns-G copy, but still its only $290 and its 28" and got good reviews, so I am kinda interested in it.


Anyone know anything about it?

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If its a Hanns-G off brand then I have some distrust of that. Hanns-G isn't the best quality company around, though I have seen some real gems from them. Just the stinkers outweigh the gems usually. Some further digging on I-INC.. they do offer a 1 year warranty and a 30 day return policy, so that is nice. The monitor you found looks almost exactly like the Hanns-G HH-281HPB so yeah, I'd say its a really safe bet that I-INC is an off brand of Hanns-G. :P


The nice thing about that monitor is its 1920x1200 which is perfect for a monitor that size. Some of the 28" ones now are 1920x1080 which just seems a bit small for that size.. I mean, if they turn 21.5" monitors into 1080p monitors, I'd want something a bit bigger without springing for 2560x1600. The one you've picked out has an 800:1 static contrast, which is just a bit below average for LCD though in that size, its quite normal. Built in speakers.. 2 HDMI ports so you may need a DVI to HDMI adapter if your video card doesn't have HDMI built in.


It looks kind of nice.. for the money you can't do a lot better in that size imo, though you can get the actual Hanns-G model this is based on for 30 bucks more. :lol:

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Yeah I will probably just go with the Hanns-G then :)


This may be a question for El_Captain(Since he has 3 right? :lol:), but is the color good on these? I heard on some of the higher monitors with the 1920x1200 resolution the color is bad or there are problems when gaming?

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Yeah I will probably just go with the Hanns-G then :)


This may be a question for El_Captain(Since he has 3 right? :lol:), but is the color good on these? I heard on some of the higher monitors with the 1920x1200 resolution the color is bad or there are problems when gaming?

The color's good on these and there's no problems when gaming. It's a 4-star (out of 5) monitor. Far from perfect, but I wouldn't have gotten 3 if I didn't like the first 2. :)


Latest games I play on them: MW2, Demon's Souls, Borderlands, Dragon Age, Halo Wars, Torchlight, Defense Grid.


The 3ms response time is good, and as with every other monitor, you have to calibrate the monitor so that it looks good. I set the Brightness to 75, Contrast to 70, and Color Setting to "Cool" on each of mine.


I'm disappointed with the 3rd and latest monitor I have. It came with a humming sound, which eventually gave way to a pixel-sized vertical line on the right 2/3'rd's side. Shipping for RMA on these was like $80 including insurance, so make sure you get a good one.

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Well, the thing with most monitors is that they use TN panels. TN panels are great for gaming because of their really low response time (most are under 5ms now) but they don't always have the best colors. I lucked out with my 24" screen since the colors on it are really damn good, but I use it more for gaming so I don't need the most accurate colors in the world. Now, I run into some problems when I'm designing in Photoshop or 3DSM, but that is mostly with other people and their TN panels who may not have as good colors as I do.


If you want good performance for gaming and decent colors, TN panels are what to get. Plus, they were a lot cheaper than VA or IPS panels. Now, Samsung makes some CPVA panels (least they did, I don't know if they are still selling them) that will give better colors and still really solid gaming performance. They cost just a bit more than TN panels, but to get really great colors you'll have to go with IPS. IPS panels are the most expensive and don't always have that great of a response time for fast action games, but they are the best one to go with if you're designing a lot. There are S-IPS, H-IPS and e-IPS, the e-IPS being the cheapest one that also works out really well for gaming because I think they are down to 5ms now instead of 12 or 16. Just not a lot of companies are using them in production models due to the high cost of IPS panels, but the e-IPS ones at least don't cost a whole lot more than their TN panel brothers. Hell, the Dell 2209WA is an e-IPS panel that will run you about 300 bucks.. just its 1680x1050 res.

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Thanks to both of you :)!!


Well I am still a young little boy :lol: and just game, no photoshop for me. So TN panel is the way to go then for me. Also thank you El_Captain for the "review"(:lol:) and thanks for showing those settings. I also play games like the ones you mentioned.


Oh yeah an I am upgrading from a 3 year old(So one of the old LCD's) 19" samsung which cost $300 back then :lol:, my desk is going to be full now with that 28" coming in :lol:


About the colors, yeah I'm not like a freak about them, I just like to play my games(Mainly MW2) and be able to see my enemies nicely :)(I heard Iron Sights are much easier with a bigger monitor and resolution)

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+1 bp9801


The 28" Hanns-G monitors are not great for design work. They are more ideal for workstations (great real estate space, though it'd be cool if I could tilt them vertically just to see what it'd be like), watching movies, and gaming. It's great for consoles since it comes with it's own built-in speakers (which aren't that good, but better than playing without sound if you don't have a speaker set-up). It's really difficult to find a monitor that's both great for gaming and great for designing, because to compensate for great colors, the refresh rate won't be very fast.

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+1 bp9801


The 28" Hanns-G monitors are not great for design work. They are more ideal for workstations (great real estate space, though it'd be cool if I could tilt them vertically just to see what it'd be like), watching movies, and gaming. It's great for consoles since it comes with it's own built-in speakers (which aren't that good, but better than playing without sound if you don't have a speaker set-up). It's really difficult to find a monitor that's both great for gaming and great for designing, because to compensate for great colors, the refresh rate won't be very fast.


Exactly why I went with the Samsung model I did. It had the best colors of the TN panels I was looking at while still having a really great response time. When I bought it 3 years ago, IPS panels were not that great for gaming.. most were around the 16ms range (possibly higher) and I didn't want that for my games. Now though, the e-IPS panels have pretty fast response times and offer great colors, just I'm waiting for more 1920x1200 ones to come out. There aren't too many, LG is supposed to have one though I haven't seen it anywhere yet. H-IPS are more common and don't cost as much as S-IPS, just I don't feel like paying another 550 or 600 bucks for a monitor 3 years after this one. :lol:

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Thanks to both of you :)!!


Well I am still a young little boy :lol: and just game, no photoshop for me. So TN panel is the way to go then for me. Also thank you El_Captain for the "review"(:lol:) and thanks for showing those settings. I also play games like the ones you mentioned.


Oh yeah an I am upgrading from a 3 year old(So one of the old LCD's) 19" samsung which cost $300 back then :lol:, my desk is going to be full now with that 28" coming in :lol:


About the colors, yeah I'm not like a freak about them, I just like to play my games(Mainly MW2) and be able to see my enemies nicely :)(I heard Iron Sights are much easier with a bigger monitor and resolution)

Yeah, I kick butt in MW2, but I'm hoping it's not just because of my monitor. :P


I find I use iron sights so I can use other attachments. I actually prefer to play on my 28" LCD Monitor than on my 42" HDTV LCD Monitor. Everything's better on my 42", but sometimes it's just too big, if u know what I mean.

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Yeah, I kick butt in MW2, but I'm hoping it's not just because of my monitor. :P


I find I use iron sights so I can use other attachments. I actually prefer to play on my 28" LCD Monitor than on my 42" HDTV LCD Monitor. Everything's better on my 42", but sometimes it's just too big, if u know what I mean.


Yeah I play Xbox360 on my (48" or something like) TV sometimes and its just, you have to sit too far away and its just difficult...It would also suck to read text on there if I hooked up my PC. I like being like 2-3FT or less away from my monitor because I can see everything!


I'm pretty good with Iron sights on my 19" but sometimes it gets really difficult and 1920x1200 should help me see more :P


Oh yeah, I usually only use FMJ as my attachment(Once I get it, 4th time on the ACR already, prestiging ftw! :lol:).

Edited by Krieg1337

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Hey! friend here are a few good suggestion for your requirement.... you can opt either of these monitors stated below because all of these tend to give great results.

1. ) Hanns.G HG-281DJB (28").

2. ) Samsung SyncMaster 275T (27").

3. ) Dell UltraSharp 2707WFP (27").

4. ) Acer AL2616Wd (26").

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