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Battlefield sexist? maybe...


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I think the political aspect ties in completely. Activision tries to stay factually correct when it comes to portraying the military in their COD games, so not seeing women running kicking down doors in the COD series makes perfect sense. In sci-fi games, where there is no need to portray anything as how it actually is in reality, it would make more sense to see female bullet catchers.

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I think they should allow people in most games to choose if they want to be male or female. It would probably help draw a larger pool of players and get female gamers to play more types of games.


As far as not allowing women to be in combat positions on the front lines I think it's cause men don't want to see women getting shot next to them. It would cause the men to focus on the injured women than the enemy which is just a bad thing. Also, even if women can be as "physically fit" as men they tend to not have as good upper body strength to pull a guy out of danger or back to camp or whatever.

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I think the political aspect ties in completely. Activision tries to stay factually correct when it comes to portraying the military in their COD games, so not seeing women running kicking down doors in the COD series makes perfect sense. In sci-fi games, where there is no need to portray anything as how it actually is in reality, it would make more sense to see female bullet catchers.

I wouldn't use call of duty as an example of realism in games, I would say anymore it's more scifi the the tv channel. Battlefield on the other hand does do a decent job with realism, but it's still not realistic.

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One of my friends says she wishes she hadn't put her name in her gamertag because she is convinced people specifically hunt her down because she is female. She thinks people get offended when a girl takes them out.


So that's a different perspective.

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I wouldn't use call of duty as an example of realism in games, I would say anymore it's more scifi the the tv channel. Battlefield on the other hand does do a decent job with realism, but it's still not realistic.


It is a video game, what do you expect? And both of them are realistic in the facts that women would NOT be in those types of situations with those men.


I am in no way sexist, but just saying this so you can understand - females do not have the some body makeup as men. Adrenaline levels are lower, muscle mass is lower, brain reflexes are lower, etc. That is for MOST women, anyway. And yes, it has been medically proven.


I am not saying that as a knock against women, just stating the reasons for why. I love women, if they could keep up with the men, I'd say sure no problem. But the fact is that most can't. And yes, I say this with experience. Been in the Army for 4 years now.


***EDIT*** Also, for those of you that might say me being in the Army doesn't mean much... I am 11B, which is Infantry. I re-classed from 21B, which is Combat Engineer. I am not a pencil pusher that just wants to speculate on how combat arms are.

Edited by TraptPatriot

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I think they should allow people in most games to choose if they want to be male or female. It would probably help draw a larger pool of players and get female gamers to play more types of games.


I think most women don't play video games because it just doesn't fit the typical women life style rather then because there are no female characters.

Edited by fire_storm

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One of my friends says she wishes she hadn't put her name in her gamertag because she is convinced people specifically hunt her down because she is female. She thinks people get offended when a girl takes them out.


So that's a different perspective.

I think I would have to agree with one of your friends, I've seen that same behavior in games like TF2.


It is a video game, what do you expect? And both of them are realistic in the facts that women would NOT be in those types of situations with those men.


I am in no way sexist, but just saying this so you can understand - females do not have the some body makeup as men. Adrenaline levels are lower, muscle mass is lower, brain reflexes are lower, etc. That is for MOST women, anyway. And yes, it has been medically proven.


I am not saying that as a knock against women, just stating the reasons for why. I love women, if they could keep up with the men, I'd say sure no problem. But the fact is that most can't. And yes, I say this with experience. Been in the Army for 4 years now.


***EDIT*** Also, for those of you that might say me being in the Army doesn't mean much... I am 11B, which is Infantry. I re-classed from 21B, which is Combat Engineer. I am not a pencil pusher that just wants to speculate on how combat arms are.

Well see that's just it, it is a video game, there isn't any need to be realistic about it. Video games shouldn't be about realism, that's something you can get every day of your life if you want to, video games should try to push for the most unrealistic possibilities out there. I still stand by the idea that call of duty isn't a good example of realism though, when you can stop an RPG rocket with a riot shield but can't stop a grenade with a riot shield, that's pretty unrealistic, and I also think call of duty is a bad example because you don't actually pull any team mates to safety, what happens in call of duty is this: team mate dies and another with the same name magically appears from a stairwell, that is what really happens in the game, and I'm talking about the campaigns. I can totally understand why it might be like it is in real life but in a video game it doesn't make any sense, there isn't any real good reason to not have them.

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Well see that's just it, it is a video game, there isn't any need to be realistic about it. Video games shouldn't be about realism, that's something you can get every day of your life if you want to, video games should try to push for the most unrealistic possibilities out there. I still stand by the idea that call of duty isn't a good example of realism though, when you can stop an RPG rocket with a riot shield but can't stop a grenade with a riot shield, that's pretty unrealistic, and I also think call of duty is a bad example because you don't actually pull any team mates to safety, what happens in call of duty is this: team mate dies and another with the same name magically appears from a stairwell, that is what really happens in the game, and I'm talking about the campaigns. I can totally understand why it might be like it is in real life but in a video game it doesn't make any sense, there isn't any real good reason to not have them.


because some people enjoy the attempt at realism. and what you describe essentially every single FPS is guilty of. not just CoD, check your fanboyism at the door please ;) (it's been obvious in all ur posts in this thread)


only making games that are like halo is a terrible business model. Do you have the same views of realism towards driving games?

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I have the same views towards all games, I like my games to be as far from reality as possible, in my opinion they are supposed to be an escape from reality.


Also, by fanboyism do you mean hatred? I won't lie, I hate call of duty anymore, I used to like it though. It's not just that game though, I have issues with the realism of games like battlefield, counter strike, combat arms, crysis, medal of honor, and probably others that I can't think of at the moment, but really I think my hatred shows for call of duty more than the rest of these because it was the only one that anyone used as an example? I mean it's just not a good example though, do you really believe it's more realistic that grenades are more powerful than rpgs than it is to have women fighting along side you in a video game?


I can completely understand people enjoying realism in games too, that's why I like the battlefield games so much, in my opinion they focus on the things are actually important in a warfare game, things like teamwork, classes, vehicles, and the thing I find most important, destructible environments.

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I can completely understand people enjoying realism in games too, that's why I like the battlefield games so much, in my opinion they focus on the things are actually important in a warfare game, things like teamwork, classes, vehicles, and the thing I find most important, destructible environments.


you still respawn after you die right?


just checking

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you still respawn after you die right?


just checking

I got you on this one. No, I don't respawn, because I never die. :P


No seriously though, that's a necessary game piece, and shouldn't be something the developers need to focus on, something they should focus on is the environment and how you can use it to your advantage, and this is something battlefield does very well as the environment is large, diverse, and destructible, this something the counter strike does not do, even so, I still like counter strike.




OP just wants women in games so he can oogle at their nice butts!!!! Don't lie either!!! <3

Oh gee... where have I seen this kind of dialect before? :rolleyes:

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