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Fenrir Or H50-1


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I have Heard that the corsair h50 is a good water cooler but is it better than the fenrir for its price?


Please reply!


those low cost WC aren't very good from what I've heard. it shouldn't even be called WC untill you have a pump, a res, and all he trimmings, so go for a good air cooler if you're on a budget. what socket we talkin' 'bout? 1366 (core i7). from what I've read the noctua D14 is a good HSF (got two fans), but it's huge so see if you have the space first. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...8-018-_-Product might be a bit too pricey. if it is, go for the other noctua (they seem to be winning over others, in retrospect I should've gotten it.)

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H50 is a decent cooler but its performance is only comparable to high end tower coolers.. but the cool factor is there though, makes yr case clean. if you are going to overclock alot then i suggest the venomous X =)

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