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C2Q Overclocking, how?


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I have a Core 2 Quad Q6600 G0 2.4 GHz and a MSI P7N Diamond motherboard. I want to overclock my CPU to 3.0GHz, but i dont know how. I cant find any guide with my motherboard. Can someone give me a complete guide on how to do that? I will be very happy.



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young man if you calm down and read the post located in the boxes above named "Important topics"

Overclocking core2quads (C2Q) is there, and it suits your CPU.




and if you are also running on a 780i, [p]'s guide also located in "important topics" is incredible resource



sometime's its not the tricycle, its the clown riding it! just browse a little and you will find almost anything on overclocking a Q6600 here


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post-31286-1265927263_thumb.jpg Unfortunately for you overclocking isn't about being spoonfed the answers. You were given a guide to read which is the same as your topic title(epic fail). This was even pointed out to you with pictures. If you had bothered to read it and didn't understand it then you could have asked more specific questions. Geez a stickied guide, pictures of where the guide is and you say it's the forum :blink:

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