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new i7...


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so I've put together a system myself (my first such complete build), not too shabby for a cripple.


HAF 932, i7 920, V8 cooler, ASUS P6X58D mobo, 6GB corsair XMS RAM (will install win x64 later in the week due to driver incompatibility), and other misc electronics. http://s996.photobucket.com/albums/af84/cr...246/PC%20Build/ is some of my pics (none for cable management yet - later in the week).


since this was my first exercise with a cpu heatsink, I was really afraid of overtightening and cracking the mobo. so my final picture (if you can imagine it) is such that the V8's bolts are flush with the nuts on the other side of the mobo. the V8 being on about half speed (forgive me for not being technical) the BIOS shows 30.5 or less on idle. is that good?


note: I did spread the AS5 compound with a latex glove before installing the heatsink.

note: the 932 HAF says the back of the case has an opening for removing/installing the heatsink without removing the mobo. HA! damn liers! the opening turned out to be too high for the bolts to be reachable, so the metal basically covers the bottom bolts on the 1366. what the heck were they thinking?! couldn't they have measured? and I saw it after installing everything so now I'm basically screwed.


plz reply community as to the temps and how should I proceed (in that did I do good or should I redo?) not that I don't wonna, but taking the whole shebang apart will be a pain...


thank you for your patience

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i would take everything off and do it properly. if dont mind the noise of the v8 crank it all the way.


is there a reason why you say that? are the temps out of whack? what should they be?


and if I should do that - what is the right way then?


p.s. does it matter if hyperthreading is on?


ok let me gather what I'm saying here http://www.legitreviews.com/article/880/11/ I found a good example of what I think I'm talking about... they tested a V8 on stock i7 920 speeds and got 33 @ idle - I get 28.5 - 30.5 so I'm actually better than that... also by their data an OC to 3.5 (which IMO is really good) is only 34 @ idle.


please sort me out, since you community are a ton more knowlegeable than me...

Edited by Crawlerz246

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