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90% of statistics are made up on the fly. I'd delete that too without any sort of facts to back up your claim ;)

Hey I was just speaking from experience, I'm sure if I took the time to make accurate recordings of all my exposure the numbers would be very close to the random percentage I chose.

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Well statistics are the heart of our problem. See derivatives in banking industry. See derivatives in health care. See derivatives in Cap and trade. Not to get too political, and I'm a dem, but the use of statistics to judge all three of these things are bullschmidt. I had one of the best, most reknowned statistician as a professor. Let's just say, the people who are using 'statistics' to promote climate change, health care *cost effectiveness research*, cap and trade *derivatives*, banking *derivatives, swaps, the cost of protection* are all BUNK. Brought to you by your majesty the Queen of England to prop up her dying imperialism...now called globalization. It's bunk. These people are using guesstimates, which they created, and call it irrefutable science that derivatives won't crash the economy, allow you to cut health care costs without killing people, and that global warming is caused by man. Nope. All are complete bull. Anyone who knows ANYTHING REAL about statistics, the ones who KNOW it's bull, or basically the BEST statisticians, will tell you what's ruling our world, is basically a guy in his underwear playing with numbers to fit a data set and calling that guess, a fact. Sad, but true.


Anyways you do realize there's far more graphics units than from voodoo on? (basically voodoo on is considered the start of 3d graphics.


If you want to talk about graphics, you have to tell about how first it was done by the cpu. So you might want a history from they Odyssey1, Atari, AppleII, II+, IIC, IIE, Odyssey 2, TRS-80, colecovision, intellivision, Apple III, atari 5600, atari 7800, atari xe, Commodore 64, Commodore 128, Amiga (all the various versions), IBM PC, jr, 386,486, pentium --the reason it was called pentium rather than 586, nintendo, super nintendo, n64, sega master system, sega genesis, sega cd, sega 32x, sega saturn, dreamcast, playstation 1, 2, 3, xbox, xbox 360.



All arcade games, from the 70's, 80's, 90's.


You basically missed the first two generations, the above and below.


Then of course, the original computers like ENIAC. You may want to talk about the first video games in the 60's developed by a) the guy who created the Odyessey, copied by Nolan Bushnell into PONG and later Atari fame. B) the little games that you can actually find for download that were created on college campuses in the 60's.


You may also want to touch on the future as well. Find some roadmaps for ati/nvidia. Talk about the new 3d in games, and may want to end with the mental image of the fully 3d games without glasses coming up from the table, (think Max Sterling's favorite game in Robotech).


Lots of stuff you could get into.

Edited by CardsFan88

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