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As sated above, the video card should be upgraded. You can either overclock or get 1 or 2 more depending on your mobo pcie slots and of course money. If you can't afford it you can try overclocking but in my opinion a gpu overclock under 30% isn't worth it. Anyway, you have a 5750..thats a good card and would run any game u want on max. I don't see why u wanna go out of ur way just because of some fancy grafix. Watch a movie, they tend to have even real-er grafix and don't require 50 vgas to run without lag.


First you tell him to upgrade his card. Then you tell him that his card is good and can run any game on max. :withstupid:


and then we get to the things that i bolded.(WTH is are "vgas" btw :blink: ) This is OVERCLOCKERSclub. Not "imokwithmycrapgrafixclub" People here want the absolute best that they can squeeze out of their machines and if their machine can't do it & they have the $$$ then they buy the parts that can. Maybe this isn't the right place for you.

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The mod does take alot of horsepower but you do have a considerable amount of horsepower your dealing with. I think you will be surprised when you run crysis at a mer 30fps its smoother then you would believe. I would say try it before any drastic changes.


From there if it isnt up to your liking then you could OC the GPU. The whole i dont believe in OCing unless its 30% or whatever was said doesnt make any since to me. Even if you only get 20% or 15% better thats still a very measurable and actually visible improvement. Overclocking is mostly done for sport not necessity anyway.


You have a very good card as is, actually one of the top cards out to date, and for your resolution it is an overkill. You should be more then good for time to come. I dont think there is anything wrong wanting that mod to run well. Its something very few ppl with PC's can experience. Why spend so much on your system if you arent gonna push it, lol


Have at it, and nice to meet you!!!!!!

Edited by ocre

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For better Graphics if you can afford it you could get another card and run them in crossfire




Or you could upgrade your card





If you decide to overclock your card it voids the warranty and if you do something wrong (which I have done along with others) and it dies then you will be out a video card

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First you tell him to upgrade his card. Then you tell him that his card is good and can run any game on max. :withstupid:


and then we get to the things that i bolded.(WTH is are "vgas" btw :blink: ) This is OVERCLOCKERSclub. Not "imokwithmycrapgrafixclub" People here want the absolute best that they can squeeze out of their machines and if their machine can't do it & they have the $$$ then they buy the parts that can. Maybe this isn't the right place for you.

His card is good and can run anything. THOUGH if he really wants to play this real life crysis mod or whatever...which obviously demands a lot, he'd need to upgrade. But the card is good for any other game on max settings. He said that he had been saving up for quite a while so maybe he doesn't have the money right now to buy more or new grafix cards. As for overclocking his card, people here would gladly help him with that but if he can't go above 30% oc, it's not worth the overclock.

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Make 10Mhz increases, after each one stress test with OCCT GPU test for 15 minutes. First oc 1 clock, see it's max, then put it back to normal, then oc the second clock, when u find it's max too, put em both on their max at the same time and at that point it might not be stable so test and at the same time make adjustments by lowering both by 5Mhz until they pass the tests. You might want to max out the fan speed for highest OC unless u don't like the noise.

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Make 10Mhz increases, after each one stress test with OCCT GPU test for 15 minutes. First oc 1 clock, see it's max, then put it back to normal, then oc the second clock, when u find it's max too, put em both on their max at the same time and at that point it might not be stable so test and at the same time make adjustments by lowering both by 5Mhz until they pass the tests. You might want to max out the fan speed for highest OC unless u don't like the noise.

so from where they are at now. i turn the fan to 100 and then i increase both by 10 and and click test custom clocks and let it do its thing for 15 minutes? and then move it up ten more and test 15 mins? i kinda dont get it. can u explain a little bit more one more time plaese? and wat were there original numbers?

Edited by curtred

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Well you should have noted the default speeds. That isn't a problem though because if there isn't a "Return To Default" button or something of the sort, just go into NEWEGG.COM and search for your card and in the specs it should give you the default clocks.


As for overclocking, yes. Increase by 10 and then test and then again by 10 repeat. You want to do each clock separately first so that you can find each clocks maximum. This is because if you start with the 2 together and there is a crash or error, you won't know which one it was. Finding each clock's max helps that as you will know their limits. After you've separately found the max clock for the gpu and memory clock, you will set them both to their max at the same time. This is your overclock. At this point you should test with OCCT. If it doesn't fail then great. If it does, then start decreasing each clock by 5Mhz and test. Don't go too low though. You want your overclock to be high and not low because it's not going to make a difference. It's all about tweaking and it's a fairly long process. It could take more than a day to get it done. As I said before, if it doesn't overclock more than 30% it's not worth the extra heat and stress. I haven't been able to overclock my gpu so I can't tell you how to calculate the % of overclock achieved but maybe somebody else knows. It should be something like: 30% x Stock Speed. Then the result you add to the Stock Speed and that should be your 30% increase. I could be wrong...I hope I'm not though. It'd be super awesome if this equation is correct cuz I just though of it right now and I'm more of a math guy so I'd be..kinda proud...anyway. If you have more questions, I'd be glad to help as much as I can.


EDIT: I forgot to say that the increase of 10Mhz is because if you suddenly overclock your GPU with a high clock it might get damaged or at least give you bad results when you stress test it. It's like eating. If you stuff your face with everything on your plate for 30 seconds, you'll most probably have stomach problems. Though eat slowly and take your time you'll be able to eat your food without any consequence.

Edited by ballist1x

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