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Bought wrong cooler


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I just build a new machine, but I have one problem. I bought a Zalman CNPS9700 CPU cooler. I did not realize it did not have the ability to be controlled by the MOBO. It has a 3pin connector instead of the 4pin. Now, I have 5 case fans, all of them controlled by a fan controller. I have temporarilly connected the CPU cooler to one of the fan controller slots, but I would very much rather have the MOBO control that fan.


I would like to control the CPU fan like I do the Video card fan, with preset temps and speeds.


Do any of you know of a way I can get that fan controlled by the MOBO? Or is there a way to tie the on-board temp control to a fan controller?

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I may be wrong, but Im pretty sure you can plug in a 3 pin connector to a 4 pin header on the mobo. and you should be able to read what the fan speed is. but i dont think you will be able to controll what the speed is through software. I think it should default to max speed though and that is what I would recommend even if you could control the speed.

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My motherboard allows me to control the speed of my Zalman 9500LED. In the hardware monitor section of the bios there is usually an option for fan control change it from PWM to voltage.

Edited by slick2500

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