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Overclocking Advice


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Attached are the screens of what I'm at so far. I run OCCT and after about 10 minutes, I get that one of the cores had produced an error. I can run my computer at 3.75Ghz OCCT stable, but I try to go 3.8 Ghz and OCCT fails. Think I can get any of the pro OCers out there to see if they can spot any issue I have?


Windows seems to be stable. No BSOD or anything and I don't seem to see any kind of slowdown. Just OCCT failing. I'd love to get a solid 3.8 Ghz for now and eventually move up to the 4Ghz range if its possible. The hardware I'm using is in my signature.


Also, I use the BIOS to overclock, only posting the AMD OverDrive screenshot for informational purposes.


Also, my idle temp sits at around 36C. Load after the 10 minutes of OCCT is around 47C.


I'm going to reboot real fast and get the voltages I'm using. I'll post those in a few.

vcore: 1.55

CPU/NB: 1.265

DRAM: 1..6 (default is 1.5)

HT: 1.22 (default is 1.2)


post-2067-1263776463_thumb.png post-2067-1263776469_thumb.png

Edited by GmAz

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Theres a guide on over clocking the phenom's, the 955 then to hit the wall @ 3.7/3.8 lucky people get 3.9. Most people dont touch fsb as it makes unstable. from ur cpu-z pic i would set the fsb back to 200 and set the multipler 19x and vcore to 1.5 and try it occt again. thats what i did to get 3.8 on my 955

Edited by insan3

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Thanks. I did read that the FSB was kinda 'twitchy'. I'll give it a shot. Also, what are your CPU/NB and HT at?


I set my multiplier to 19 and FSB to 200 and got a stable 3.8Ghz for the full OCCT hour test.


Thanks. Also, i set my HT to 2.2Ghz and my CPU/NB to 2.4Ghz.

Edited by GmAz

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CPU NB helps with stability. Now that you have that stable, you might wanna try overclocking the ram as well. Tighten timings, increase it to 1600Mhz if it isn't by default. You don't have to do it if you don't want to...just a thought for a few more drops of speed. Another trick I've heard to help with stability is converting the DCTs mode from Unganged to Ganged. I'm not sure what exactly that does but I think it helped me too when I overclocked my cpu. Though take note that it would automatically change command rate from 1T to 2T. Ganged mode only works with 2T.

Edited by ballist1x

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Right now i'm stable at 3.9Ghz. 1.52vcore, 2600Ghz CPU/NB speed and 2200 HT (apparently its the max my motherboard will do). 19.5 multi and with 200 FSB. My ram is still at default which is 1600 and 9-9-9-24 1T. I did have to bump my NB voltage from 1.2 to 1.22. I think I'm going to hold here for a little while and run OCCT and maybe Prime95 a few times before I try for 4Ghz. Thanks to all for your help. I'm not done yet, but will continue soon.


Oh, and 36C idle and topped out at 50C after 1 hour of OCCT.


Heres my completed system. And for some reason the cables look kinda messy in the pictures, probably because they are so visible with the flash. They are well hidden when looking in the machine though.






Heres an image of the system with the stock AMD heatsink/fan before my Noctua arrived.



Edited by GmAz

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Cables look clean to me. Really like that Noctua you're running, the temps look great. 3.9Ghz is where alot of 955s top out. What video card are you running(just out of curiosity and it's not in your signature)?

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I am actually not running a video card. I am using the bulit in ATI 3350 video chipset because I don't game on my PC anymore...well...for now. Plus, I have it hooked up to my TV right now via built in HDMI. I use it a lot now for media center purposes. That and doing video rendering of home videos of my three year old. I may start again as Diablo 3 is in the works and I loved the Diablo series back in the day. And a couple others coming out too. I've been playing my PS3 and 360 for a while now and they have taken the place of gaming for me. Plus...I was somewhat addicted to World of Warcraft...so leaving PC gaming helped kick that habit.


However, if I do get one, you have any suggestions. I see you have two 5870s. How do they perform? Also, I'd probably end up getting one. How do they stack up to the NVidia 2xx series.

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I am actually not running a video card. I am using the bulit in ATI 3350 video chipset because I don't game on my PC anymore...well...for now. Plus, I have it hooked up to my TV right now via built in HDMI. I use it a lot now for media center purposes. That and doing video rendering of home videos of my three year old. I may start again as Diablo 3 is in the works and I loved the Diablo series back in the day. And a couple others coming out too. I've been playing my PS3 and 360 for a while now and they have taken the place of gaming for me. Plus...I was somewhat addicted to World of Warcraft...so leaving PC gaming helped kick that habit.


However, if I do get one, you have any suggestions. I see you have two 5870s. How do they perform? Also, I'd probably end up getting one. How do they stack up to the NVidia 2xx series.

Onboard video. I didn't even think of that.


I run 2 5870s but really one is more than enough.

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