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LLC Enable / Disable

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Just out of interest wondering what other Overclockers are using. Looked on another forum and views are very mixed.


Do you have LLC Enabled or Disabled.


I have recently Disabled LLC and have a lower Max Temperature. Running i7 920 at 3.8GHz (CPU Voltage 1.21875 on ASUS P6TD Deluxe board) with LLC Disabled max temps are getting to 67/68 degrees c. With LLC Enabled max temps were 72/73 degrees c.


Both times my machine was left running Prime96 for over 10 hours without any problems. In light of this I have a little bit more room to push it to 4.0GHz.


What are other people doing in terms of LLC? and are my temps looking ok?


Thanks. John

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LLC, or VDroop is disabled here..I get a much higher OC that way..With it enabled I can totally forget about running my 2.4 Q6600 @ 3.6..But IF you're doing ok with it enabled, I'd leave it that way, otherwise, disable it..Your temps look pretty good, but you should go to Intel's website and find the TjMax (TjTarget in your case) of your CPU and try to stay about 10C or so below that on a regular basis..So, in a nutshell, it's whatever works better for ya.

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If you're running your chip a good .1V or so under its manufacturer-stated limit I'd say you're probably all right. But, as mentioned in previous posts Vdroop is there for a reason. It's designed into the power delivery from your motherboard to your chip by Intel. I'd say keep it disabled if you have no problem reaching your desired OC within your voltage limits. As is, it's kind of a false security seeing your voltages stay at such a steady level when in fact this is not the case during periods where the CPU may switch from a heavy load to a lighter load, for instance. These spikes will not show up on your standard voltage monitoring programs.


If you're interested in learning more about what exactly LLC is and its effects I'd recommend a quick google search as this is certainly a much talked about topic. My vote, however, remains in line with those previously mentioned: disabled.

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I have recently Disabled LLC and have a lower Max Temperature. Running i7 920 at 3.8GHz (CPU Voltage 1.21875 on ASUS P6TD Deluxe board) with LLC Disabled max temps are getting to 67/68 degrees c. With LLC Enabled max temps were 72/73 degrees c.


If you used the same core voltage, then yes the temps would be higher because you have a higher vcore when you enabled LLC vs the vdroop lowering the voltage when disabled.


I may use LLC, when others say it is bad just for the fact my board has a very bad vdrop/vdroop of about .12v


There are articles out there that state the voltage ringback when going from loaded to unloaded and vice versa is greater with LLC enabled and is bad thing. I have never found an article that has produced an actual scope screen to prove this. I have a Asus P5KC, that has been pencil modded (completely eliminated vdroop/vdrop) for over two years now with no ill effects I'm aware of, but it does allow me to use a lower vcore.


After all is said and done, It's completely up to you if you want to use LLC or not and as so many have said already, if you don't NEED it for a specific reason you may want to leave it disabled, just to be on the safe side.

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