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[PC Source Mod] NeoTokyo


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I just found this about sweeping through comments of this article: The Next Counterstrike: Tactical Intervention (Totally non related to NeoTokyo, but it's about the original CS creator's new upcoming game called Tactical Intervention. His ideas of what he wanted CS to be, but couldn't since he wasn't in power to change without upsetting the already popular game.)


Anyways back to NeoTokyo. It's a futuristic setting in Tokyo and that's all I know about it. Here's the link: http://www.neotokyohq.com/media.html


Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/NeotokyoHQ#p/u


And here is the BT link: (maxed out my download speed of 2MB/s, finished in about 12 minutes or less) http://www.gameupdates.org/details.php?ret...php&id=3611


I won't be able to play it until tomorrow afternoon. Studying for two exams for tomorrow :(.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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I couldn't resist. Played about 5 rounds or so. This game will take some getting used to. I think I'll keep messing around with it until I can get my hands on Borderlands and Way of the Samurai 3.


From my quick playthrough:


3 Classes : Recon (stealthy, stealth camouflage), Assault (Soldier, ?), Support (heavy, thermal imaging, ?)

1 Life per round

No currency, you gain ranks and unlock guns. Ranks reset every new map.

Ammo is based on clips, and not single bullets. So if you reload 1/3 of a clip spent, you lose 2/3 of the ammo in the clip.

Has lean and sprint

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I just played about 4 hours today on this :P


It definitely reminds me of old days counter-strike. Not so much how the game is, but the small community of people, just having fun.


It's enjoyable for sure :)

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