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Is FSB also known as CPU Host/HTT Clock


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My ram doesnt work well @ 1600mhz as its rated, is that why you run urs lower too? Well the ph2s dont offically support 1600mhz ram anyhow, my imc just cant keep up, i get memory errors out the bum bum running 1600 7-7-7-24, but i can run ~1500 5-5-5 fine, its strange....


Also is that how you OC your 720, just the multiplier? you dont use any "fsb"?



I lowered mine to 1333, because running the memory at 1600 is technically OCing the mem controller; so I thought it might help me push my 720 farther than 3.4ghz, and/or lower the required vcore. i lowered mem freq it and tightened timings and all, but I havent had time to try to push the cpu farther, yet.


Also,I heard somewhere that Phenom II chips prefer tighter timings to higher frequency, so I've kept the lowered settings for that reason. I need to find a memory benchmark though, to be certain if it's actually better then 1600 7-7-6-24. But in AOD my memory benchmark went from ~3000 with 1600mhz 7-7-6-24 to ~3300 with 1333mhz 5-5-5-15



Oh and yeah my memory runs fine at 1600 7-7-6-24 w/1.8v. stable as a rock.

What's your NB at? When i initially overclocked my rig, i ran into issues at 3.0GHz, raising voltage didnt help, then i read Dolk's guide and raised my NB multi and upped it's voltage a bit and voila!! worked.

so right now my NB is i believe at 2400mhz with 1.26v (from stock 2000mhz 1.1v)

Edited by fearspartan117

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I assume this in on an AMD based board? If so most of the board I have worked with use limited straps (dividers for the memory to BUS speed) AMD uses a reference clock on which all of the components run off of. The base for the AM2+ and AM3 processors is 200MHz. Then the CPU/HTT/Memory have multipliers in which they get their speeds. To overclock the memory once on the highest strap you have to push the reference clock from 200MHz on up. At the same time you have to watch your HT speed and CPU speed and drop their multipliers if they become unstable to compensate. Hope this helps you understand a bit more.


I see... , but taking into notice that it won't be much more/less than 237Mhz, I think that this will increase my cpu speed a very small amount, where as the memory will be increased alot, or also a little (not the point, this is the point ->) Meaning that I will actually have to raise the multiplier, and not lower it, unless measurements that are around 237mhz is alot.




EDIT: Lol I seem to have my tab bar full(not really full but there are quite a few) of guides which I have more or less read...funny how when you ask around in this forum, ppl just post little things like that and they help quite a bit in the long run. All of then useful and pertinent.

Edited by ballist1x

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Also is that how you OC your 720, just the multiplier? you dont use any "fsb"?


Agreed. Having a BE CPU leaves you to a world of better OC opportunity on the multipliers which can make your OCing experience less of a head ache

Edited by Buraq

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Yep I already know that much. CPU oc is extremely easy to do, but I also wanna oc my ram since it has potential. Also I think that it's currently running underclocked, it's some failsafe thing that crucial put. Your supposed to overclock to stock speed by urself, and then even more. I don't know how to do that though.

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HTT is the equivalent of FSB. To set the memory divider you need to set "Timing Mode" to Manual and that will allow divider choices for "Memory Clock Value or Limit". I have complete BIOS screenshots of the M3H5 posted at the following link.





I'm not sure you did. Not to me at least.

That would be how to set the memory speed without increasing HTT.

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If your cpu's multiplier can be lowered to a lesser number, then you can, like the old amd cpu's. For example, lets say you are running 3.2 and that would be 200 fsb x 16 multiplier. Now if you want to run 3.2 without oc'ng cpu then you lower the multiplier to 13 x 246 fsb = 31.98, that increases the ram speed. If you want to just oc cpu then just increase the multiplier.......

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