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E8500 and GA-EP45-UD3P overclock help


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This is my first build and I would appreciate some guidance. I have the mobo and processor in the topic. I also have 4 GB of OCZRPR10664GK ram and a Corsair 650TX power supply. I have run memtest 86 tests 5 and 8 and so far so good. The BIOS shows the CPU Clock ratio at 8. Is this the correct setting for this setup? I know this MOBO ,Processor combo seems pretty popular, so I am hoping to get some recommendations.

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first , try to increase the fsb step by step ..and check the temps and stability ..

then try increase it again till it becomes unstable at that point you can try to give it some voltage

little voltage at first ..

wait for other replies since i think mine is not very helpful ...

good luck ..........:)


edit : do you have an after market cpu cooler ..?

Edited by N.E.A

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in the BIOS you can go to the M.I.T. section and change the FSB to get your desired OC. If your multiplier is x8, you can try 450Mhz to yield 3.6GHz.


If it doesn't work the computer won't boot, GIGABYTE has in place a failsafe that will revert your settings to the previous ones and reboot automatically. It's really pretty easy. I'm still learning myself so I left most of the settings on AUTO and it takes care of my RAM speeds and everything-- I haven't had to manually change voltage yet.

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for the FSB you might have to change it from disabled to enabled, or from Auto to Manual-- then the option to enter your own number appears


*edit- here ya go, change CPU HOST CLOCK CONTROL to ENABLED. Leave the rest alone.



Edited by pezcore

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The highest I can get to it is 350. If I go above that it won't boot. I don't understand. This processor is supposed to run at 3.18 without overclocking and I would have to get the FSB to 375 to get that. Right now it indicates 2.83

Edited by WilliamP

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I'm not sure why then, I had luck with my Q6700 in that every time I turned up the FSB it didn't fight with me. Someone else will have to chime in with advice, sorry :(



(btw, also turn that C.I.A.2 setting to DISABLED)

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