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OC a MSI 9800GT


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Hello i am a newbie on this forum. Is there a application i can use to overclock my MSI 9800GT 1gb. What is the best way to go about overclocking it. Thanks in advance

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Welcome to the OCC! :)


I hate Rivatuner! i lost 2 very nice cards using that stupid thing, just use the MSI OC'ing tool its much better IMO, good luck! :)

just because you missed in overclocking that does not mean that riva tuner is bad ...:P


no worries as long as you know what you are doing every thing is ok

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Thanks very much i wasnt supplied with a msi OC application. Maybe i must look on the driver disk harder. Any suggestions as to how far i can overclock it with the normal heatsink? Or which heatsink i should install. Thanks again :)

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You should just see how far you can push the thing, set the fans to max and see how far you can push it. Once you get video errors or whatever back it off a few notches and run a stress test of some kind (play a game or whatever) and keep and eye out for artifacts, if you see some back it down a few notches and try again. Do the same with the ram and the shader clocks while keeping an eye on temps. Max temps for nVidia cards is 105c but I would try to not go over 75-89c to be safe. Google 9800GT overclocking and see what similar cards clocked at to get an idea of what to shoot for.


By the way your overclocking utility does not have to be brand specific just make sure it is nVidia specific. I prefer EVGA Precision

Edited by gabrieltessin

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