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mhz vs. cache


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so i have two chips. e5200, e7300 now. 1 for the HTPC, and 1 to live under water and run as fast as possible. both will be using identical motherboards. both good ones for doing what i need. the cache is 2mb on the 5200, 3mb on the 7300. given all things/speeds equal, the 7300 will be better because of the bigger cache. this is known. for the OC however, how much farther will the OC need to be on the 5200 to equal the ability of a 7300 OC'd? like if the 7300 does 3.5, will the 5200 need to do 4.0 to match the performance? I ask as the 5200 has a better multiplier fofr OC'ing than the 7300. my ram will oc to about 1150 or so.....and i do have the preferred stepping on the 5200 so it should be the cats a$$. but the 7300 is no slouch, and it can clock up there as well but not as much i don't think. (but to OC both of them i would have to dismantle the whole rig to get at the screws on the back of the board....im using a swiftech GT...so itll be rather maintenance intensive jsut to swap them out.) so what do you say? 7300 in the HTPC and 5200 underwater? or vice versa? (specs below in the sig for the budget game rig)

Edited by robAP

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i think the core2 should go underwater and the E5200 in the htpc as the E7300 should do better i had one and hit 4ghz no problem. now if you know that the e73 wont hit 4ghz and the e52 may the go for the e52 i would test both out before making the decision myself

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with the waterblock, it would require taking the motherboard off its mounts 3 times at the most to do all the testing. trying to avoid it but.....i guess ill have to thoroughly test it......hmm mabye ill jsut get creative with the dremel and cut out the square behind the board to access the screws there.

Edited by robAP

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I accidentally set an E7500 to 3.67 GHz (11x333 instead of 11x266) and installed and ran Windows 7 and stability tests on a little more than stock voltage for the CPU and RAM and everything else on Auto, on a P5Q3... stock speed is 2.93 GHz


I ended up setting it to 9x400=3600 so that it would work out better for the FSB and DDR3-1600 RAM


I seriously doubt the 10x multi of your E7300 will be a limiting factor... the P5Q boards seem more than capable of high FSB... I wasn't even trying and was aiming for low noise on a gaming PC, with 1 day to test OCs

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