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Amd X2 5400+ Black edition clock


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So,right now I'm not sure of my settings,I'll update on those later,but right now I have my Cpu running at 3.25ghz and I was wondering how to push it a little further.My hardware is as follows:

AMD X25400+ Black Edition (unlocked multiplier,stock speed 2.8)

ASUS M3A78 Mobo with AMD 780 chipset

Gskill 800mhz RAM (4gigs)


The rest shouldn't really matter I figure,but if I'm wrong please tell me.Anyways,I was attempting to push my CPU and I just haven't been able too get very far,I now I've heard of these cpus going much faster,and cooling hasn't been an issue.So I was looking for suggestions on how to get more out of it,any suggestions?I'm kinda new to this whole thing,so please use idiot speak XD



Edited by redturner15neo

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welcome to occ...


what cpu cooler (heatsink/fan) is being used?


what case is being used?


going to look for a link for you, this topic is pretty common and you may not get many replies as a result.



edit: have a look at this and this...


if you have any questions, please feel free to ask :)

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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what waco mentioned is most likely true, and 3.25Ghz wouldn't be a bad overclock from 2.8...


have you run any stability tests to validate the overclock mentioned in the above post?


the only real way to find out what a particular cpu can do is to push it as far as it will go, it may not be stable at 3.25Ghz if stress tested properly but then again with proper cooling and conditions it may go much higher.



overclocking is trial and error and how good the chip is...


one x2 5400+ may not overclock at all and another may reach unbelievable frequency by the standards of many, depending on several variables.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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Finally you make a post after being a member for over 6 months!


Bro these guys do have a point. It may well be the wall anyway keep trying and remember what I said about AMD's being fussy with too much voltage.

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These people are most likely right. The X2 5400 never really clocked too high. I think that 3.25 GHz is a very good overclock for that chip.


Like the one poster said amd chips are very fussy with voltages. Plus you have to calculate for the voltage increase amd chips experience.

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