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Firefox keeps running and crashing


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Right, so this is the first time I have ever had problems with Firefox, but it's majorly . me off!


I run the newest FF, 3.5.3 or whatever it is, and when I visit certain websites (aka Facebook in this case), the CPU usage goes to 50% (takes up one whole core) and it'll be dog slow for a minute and then crash. This is not exclusive to facebook, if I run FF for a while, like not closing it and opening and closing tabs here and there, it'll also be dog slow and eventually crash. But that's not all, even after I got the FF window to close, it'll keep running in the background and eat one whole core the whole time. I get an error message that says "Firefox is already running but not responsing, kill the process or reboot" when I want to start Firefox again.


What the hell is going on and how do I fix this?

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Java and/or Flash ads cause Fx CPU hogging on my Eee PC, so I just use AdBlock Plus and the problem went away


I'm sure it's possible to solve my updating Java and/or Flash...


I'd try uninstalling Fx and addons completely, then installing Fx, then Java/Flash... see how that goes... then one addon at a time

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