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SSD 4 x RAID 0 worth it or not?

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he isn't buying for performance. he's buying so that if the mb fails he doesn't lose the data.


cheap cards are also software raids so when you reformat you lose the raid. some cards like my LSI detect other raids and work with it. some, do not. i'm just saying raid is not the way to go unless you have alot a free time fiddling around if it the card or board goes.



anyways if you are having problems, remove EVERYTHING and start from scratch with cpu out.


1. cpu in >paste > cooler (maybe stock cooler if you have it)

2. a stick of ram

3. single hard drive

4. rom-drive

5. psu

6. video card


and start a new thread elseware.

Edited by hornybluecow

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of course if you reformat you will lose data, that's not in question. Of course a raid card with no cpu is also software raid, that also is not in question. Whether raid is the way to go or not, well to each their own. With traditional spinning drives theres not alot to gain unless you transfer large amounts alot of data regularly. With ssd's, raid scales very nicely, and you don't lose access times like you would with spinning drives. Works quite nicely imo.


The small advantage of having a card (even a software one) would be if the motherboard fails. Which this OP did have happen. Then you could purchase any other type motherboard, plug the card and drives in, and have your OS and data intact. Where as if you had no card, and the motherboard failed, you just lost everything....unless you buy a board that has the same exact raid controller.

Edited by Fight Game

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NCIX determined that 2 of the SSD's were defective, the 3rd one was fine. I told them I just want the money back. I then brought the Highpoint rocketraid 2640x1 back to the store I got it from and the guy determined it was faulty... he couldnt even get xp or vista to recognize it at all.


I think i just have extremely bad luck with getting defective parts.

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