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5870 price range


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I don't like this at all. Probably because I've thrown my money into ATI cards but still. Maybe nvidia helped fund the development of this game and this is one of the perks they get out of it. Still you can set AA in CCC and it still works but you get a performance hit by not doing it through the game's engine according to the article.


This was the next game on my list but now it's dropped a lot further down. I can only vote with my wallet and with this game I probably will. It seems to be selling well so my vote won't seem to count for much. Still $760 for a pair of graphics cards is a bit of a vote. I don't see this as unfair even though I'm on the negative side of this. It's just another competative avenue between these 2 manufacturers. I wonder if Intel is paying attention? I think what upsets me more is ATI's lack of foresight in this. They really need to refocus now that they've put some great cards out there and put resources and manpower into developing their drivers and getting out there and working with the game developers. Pushing their Havok engine and getting it implemented into more games.

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I don't like this at all. Probably because I've thrown my money into ATI cards but still. Maybe nvidia helped fund the development of this game and this is one of the perks they get out of it. Still you can set AA in CCC and it still works but you get a performance hit by not doing it through the game's engine according to the article.


This was the next game on my list but now it's dropped a lot further down. I can only vote with my wallet and with this game I probably will. It seems to be selling well so my vote won't seem to count for much. Still $760 for a pair of graphics cards is a bit of a vote. I don't see this as unfair even though I'm on the negative side of this. It's just another competative avenue between these 2 manufacturers. I wonder if Intel is paying attention? I think what upsets me more is ATI's lack of foresight in this. They really need to refocus now that they've put some great cards out there and put resources and manpower into developing their drivers and getting out there and working with the game developers. Pushing their Havok engine and getting it implemented into more games.

A performance hit your 5870 and my 4870x2 should be able to muscle through B:) . I'm not worried about it, when I get the game I'll tell you how I get it running with the driver controlled AA

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I think what upsets me more is ATI's lack of foresight in this. They really need to refocus now that they've put some great cards out there and put resources and manpower into developing their drivers and getting out there and working with the game developers. Pushing their Havok engine and getting it implemented into more games.

Havok isn't ATI's baby though (well, not yet). :P

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Here is the blog by ATI




Here is Nvidia's Response


NVIDIA statement on Batman AA

A representative of AMD recently claimed that NVIDIA interfered with anti-aliasing (AA) support for Batman: Arkham Asylum on AMD cards. They also claimed that NVIDIA

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Bwahahaha. That's hilarious especially since it works perfectly when you change the device ID on an ATI card.

lol yeah I remember reading that...not to mention, WHY are they using an old engine?? Why teach an old dog old tricks??

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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lol yeah I remember reading that...not to mention, WHY are they using an old engine?? Why teach an old dog old tricks??

Unreal Engine 3 isn't exactly old...it's a pretty damn awesome and extensible engine (Hell, just look at the game! It's beautiful!). It just requires a different method for antialiasing because of the way it handles shaders. I usually just force it on in CCC anyway.

Edited by Waco

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There has always been issues with AA being on or not being on. this is not the first time this has been brought up and I am sure it won't be the last. Not sure why they are trying to make it into a big deal when its nothing new :rolleyes:


I think the biggest lesson to be learned here is for ATI to get their crap together because all I ever hear is how they never send driver teams to work with developers. If this did happen maybe stuff like this can be avoided you can only blame the other team for so long before it gets old <_>

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Unreal Engine 3 isn't exactly old...it's a pretty damn awesome and extensible engine (Hell, just look at the game! It's beautiful!). It just requires a different method for antialiasing because of the way it handles shaders. I usually just force it on in CCC anyway.

Oh sorry bout that, I didn't know those mindless shoot em up's were still coming out :P. I assumed it was an old engine

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I think the biggest lesson to be learned here is for ATI to get their crap together because all I ever hear is how they never send driver teams to work with developers.

Personally I don't fault them for that...they don't have the money to do that for every game and the developers should be able to do that themselves. :P

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Personally I don't fault them for that...they don't have the money to do that for every game and the developers should be able to do that themselves. :P

Who says you have to do it for every game. Generally you focus on the big titles not the little ones.


I think that is complete BS this all leads back to drivers they are always playing catchup how is that fair? They get our money all the time so they better damn well use it for something good instead of renting an Air Craft Carrier <_ now all of a sudden complaining starts because there card does not perform well in certain game shakes head this crap is getting really old src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_dry.png" alt=":glare:">

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