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Asus M4N82 Deluxe motherboard


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I have a M4N82 Deluxe motherboard from asus with a AMD Phemon II x3 2.6Ghz cpu. I am new to OCing since I just built my first computer but it has 5 fast fans so don't worry about heat. Sadly I was only able to OC my cpu to 2.73Ghz without getting a OC fail error during boot up so I need some info on that. I really want to go it to at least 3.0 Ghz.

The multiplier is at its max x13.00 and the FSB is at 210. It can bring it up to 212 without getting a error but at 213 I do. I was looking around and I found the amd multipliers are locked and I couldn't find how to unlock it.


Edit: Ok I was able to get to 3.0 Ghz after some testing with voltage. I put the volatage to 1.45 witch AMD says it should be on. But when I restarted my temps were 50-53 on idle. But I need a new fan anyway. My case fan its from my old pc and its junk.



Also I was looking around and found this: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3397/366566...f3de93cb6_o.jpg <--- I just found out this was a mod to the bios but I cant find a download link anywere. I will be asking the person who showed it if there is a download for it.

It shows the Nvidia core Calibration option in the bios under the advanced tab. I have the lastest version of my bios and it does not have that. That picture is from the same motherboard I have that I found while searching google. This option when turned on allows the 4th core to be unlocked but my bios doesn't have that for some reason. Can someone help me find out why. Or give me a modded bios with that option.


I will be adding pics of my current bios if you need them.

Edited by rmb938

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Hey dude,


This is not a mod. I just looked in my M4N82's BIOS and the option is there. I slapped a PII X2 550 BE in it. My first guess would be that you need a Black Edition to get access to it.


However when I turn it ON, the PC just freezes when booting so I can't confirm for sure that it will unlock the sleeping cores.


Hope that helps :)


Edit: When you go in the CPU Configuration menu, what's written besides "Able to Change Freq." ? On mine it says "Yes". If yours says no, it would further confirm my thoughts.

Edited by The Smith

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Hey dude,


This is not a mod. I just looked in my M4N82's BIOS and the option is there. I slapped a PII X2 550 BE in it. My first guess would be that you need a Black Edition to get access to it.


However when I turn it ON, the PC just freezes when booting so I can't confirm for sure that it will unlock the sleeping cores.


Hope that helps :)


Edit: When you go in the CPU Configuration menu, what's written besides "Able to Change Freq." ? On mine it says "Yes". If yours says no, it would further confirm my thoughts.


Only the Black Edition AMD chips have a unlocked multiplier, all the others have a lock 13x multiplier mate. if its a black edition get the latest bios updates for your board. you should be able to get 3ghz out of your chip though.

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oh ok I don't have the black edition. I just wanted to see if it was possible with my cpu :P


Anyway I got it to 3.0 Ghz but since my fan sucks it gets to 60+ quickly. I found a 5700 RPM fan yes I know fast. That should be able to cool things down to the 30s so I can go up even more.


That sucks that the multiplier is locked at 13x. Wish it wasn't so I don't have to keep changing the FSB then restart and see and so on.


Thanks for the replies though

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Let me know up to where you can get. On mine I can't go much higher than 220 reference clock. What sucks too is that it can only be adjusted in increments of 2MHz, not 1MHz.


Overall I don't like this board much but I am obligated to use it if I want my GTX260 SLI...

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Well this is my first pc I built and I needed one quick since my old dell died. The board seems pretty good to me since it has room to expand. What I hate though is that the sata and ide ports are at a angle and not pointing up.


Today I was able to get to 230 with a 1.45 voltage. But the idle temp was like 50-57 thats why I am getting a super fast fan lol. I will see where I can push it I am going to get new thermal paste as well because the amd one is crap.


I was stuck at 214 until I started messing with the voltage and once I got over 1.3 I was able to go way up without error.

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oh ok I don't have the black edition. I just wanted to see if it was possible with my cpu :P


Anyway I got it to 3.0 Ghz but since my fan sucks it gets to 60+ quickly. I found a 5700 RPM fan yes I know fast. That should be able to cool things down to the 30s so I can go up even more.


That sucks that the multiplier is locked at 13x. Wish it wasn't so I don't have to keep changing the FSB then restart and see and so on.


Thanks for the replies though


That is fast, whats the Db on that at full speed. try droping the voltage if its getting to hot

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Well it says its 55.2 dBA. People in the reviews says its loud but worth it. It sucks air like its made for a car or something.


I tried dropping the voltage I got to like 1.35 before windows stopped booting. And any were below 1.45 I would get OC fail errors randomly.


I was looking around and found a bunch of people saying AMD recommends 1.45 if your going to OC.

Edited by rmb938

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Well it says its 55.2 dBA. People in the reviews says its loud but worth it. It sucks air like its made for a car or something.


I tried dropping the voltage I got to like 1.35 before windows stopped booting. And any were below 1.45 I would get OC fail errors randomly.


I was looking around and found a bunch of people saying AMD recommends 1.45 if your going to OC.


mines at 1.392 at a nice temp considering iv got a SLi setup and its all crammed into a HTPC case i idle at 40-41C with the lid on and 36C off. have you turned the memory clock off auto???? that messed me up had loads of blue screens and non boots with it i just set my RAM clock speed to 850mhz and i can play with the bus speed as i like. 55.2dBA is it a Dyson or something lol.

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I can keep my memory clock on auto and its fine. But I do take it off to see what it is at. If I go above 1066 which is my speed i get blue screens. But auto is fine. Its usually about 800. At 3.0Ghz I can get to 920 but I see no major different really. I don't have a SLI card right now. I have a 8400 GS which is right below when SLIs start. Its a good card and I see no reason tp upgrade. It plays all my games fine and does what it is meant to do. What I hate is the Ageia got bought by nvidia and their physicsX drivers suck, the newest one doesn't even work I liked when Ageia was its own company.


Also heres the link to to fan: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16811999612


I also got Artic Silver 5 thermal paste since the amd one sucks.

Edited by rmb938

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i had problems with mine but its only 800mhz going to upgrade to 1200mhz chips, try keep your HT link speed under 2000 aswell you will get more clock speed. theres a good thread on here about clocking am3 chips i used that as a guide when i did my 810 theres a guide for the 3x core too

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