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Enabling Overclocking?

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Hey, I have an old Compaq S5100NX PC. The specs are as follows:


ASUS P4G33LA mobo

Intel Celeron 2.6GHz

256 MB RAM

Award Bios v3.17


Overclocking is locked, so how do I unlock it? Is there any software that can do this? Any help is appreciated.

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If it's a prebuilt, there's a 99.5% or so certainty that you can't overclock it.


When you say it's locked, do you mean that you can see the settings but can't change them, or do you mean that they're not there? If they're not there, that's that. No overclocking. You can try software OCing but that's a pain and the arse and everyone here will tell you it's not a good idea, including me. Software OC has it's place, but it's no good for 24/7 OCs.

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The settings aren't visible. Thanks anyway verran. I'm kind of a noob at overclocking.

To continue this post, on my compaq i can see processor speed etc but its greyed out and when trying to select it t just 'jumps over it'

Any ideas?

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To continue this post, on my compaq i can see processor speed etc but its greyed out and when trying to select it t just 'jumps over it'

Any ideas?


That means it isn't an option to change. You usually don't change the processor speed directly, but the CPU multiplier and the system frequency (FSB, etc).


Google overclocking software and verify that it's compatible with your chipset. I can't really help more than that. :closedeyes:

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That means it isn't an option to change. You usually don't change the processor speed directly, but the CPU multiplier and the system frequency (FSB, etc).


Google overclocking software and verify that it's compatible with your chipset. I can't really help more than that. :closedeyes:

Ok thanks

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